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TNA's Final Resolution PPV Results
-Challenge Match: Rob Van Dam Def. Christopher Daniels
-Television Championship: Robbie E Def. Eric Young
-Tag Team Championship: Crimson & Matt Morgan Def. Pope & Devon
-X-Division Title: Austin Aries Def. Kid Kash
-Knockouts Championship: Gail Kim Def. Mickie James
-James Storm Def. Kurt Angle
-Steel Cage Match: Jeff Hardy Def. Jeff Jarrett
-30 Min Ironman Heavyweight Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode ended in a 3-3 draw, Bobby Roode Retains

Results from the Turning Point Pay-Per-View

Challenge Match:
In a follow up match from the no DQ match from last month, the show opened with the crowd very much behind RVD. This was a straight up wrestling match with RVD seeming to be one step ahead of Christopher Daniels early in the match. It did not take long for Daniels to retaliate with a series of strikes to put RVD on the defensive. As the match progressed, the action was taken outside of the ring and Daniels was in full control of the match. Daniel’s arrogance showed as he continued to mock RVD and play to the camera. In the ring the power seemed to go between RVD and Daniels and neither competitor would back down. After going high risk with the 5 star frog splash, RVD was able to press Daniels shoulders to get the victory.

Television Championship:
After some entertaining tactics by Eric Young the match got off to a quick start with Eric Young in control, however after attempted interference by Robbie T, Robbie E was able to land a punch and take over the match from a dazed Eric Young. After Robbie E controlling much of the match Eric Young was able to get himself back in the match. After Young managed to overcome Robbie T’s attempt to take him out, which resulted in Young somehow carrying both Robbie E and Robbie T on his shoulders, Robbie was able to pull out ahead and get the pin on Eric Young to retain the Television Championship.

Tag Team Championship
The matchup started with Pope and Crimson and the advantage went to Crimson with his size and strength to the point where many of the hits from Pope seemed to have no effect. Morgan and Devon were tagged into the match and it seemed to be tough for Devon to get one over on Morgan who had the same obvious advantage of being a giant in the ring. After a series of tags that kept the champions in control of the match with a beat down that seemed to be focused on the Pope. Pope finally got relief and tagged in Devon who had control against Crimson and was nearly victorious with a couple near pinfalls that were broken up by Morgan. In the end Crimson was able to get the pin on Devon and they retained their Championships as well as continued Crimson’s undefeated streak.

X Division Championship
Aries worked to maintain control of the match despite Kash’s efforts to bring Aries to his pace. There were some nasty hits throughout this match and a series of rapid fire near pin falls that showed volumes about the experience these two have. This match was not without it’s “holy s**t” moment though with a Hurricanrana that was reversed, you would just need to see it to believe it. After a match that was much more physical then any typical X Division match, Aries was able to connect with a brainbuster to retain the X-Division Title.

Knockouts Championship
This highly anticipated match between two of the greats in women’s professional wrestling today did not disappoint. Gail Kim gave no mercy to Mickie James at one point throwing Mickie face first to the mat leaving her slow to recover. Kim dominated for much of the match however Mickie managed take control back to her corner. After a failed Hurricanrana and Mickie’s continued domination, Gail attempted to leave with her title, but was brought back by Mickie. However, due to interference by Madison Rayne, Kim was able to take out Mickie and get the pin to retain her Title.

Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
The match immediately started with grappling which gave Angle an immediate advantage. Angle worked to wear down James storm however Storm was able to keep his head in the match. Storm brought Angle to the outside of the ring and started brawling however Angle was able to take storm out against the steps and bring the fight back into the ring. It seemed like Angle was doing everything to reinjure James storm whom was recently was cleared from a concussion. Kurt nearly choked out Storm who was just barely able to get back up to his feet but still did not seem to be completely on top of his game after his beating from Angle. Storm showed much resilience throughout the matchup and came out ahead in the end after a last call super kick took out Angle and he was able to get the pin for the win.

Steel Cage Match:
In a Blockbuster announcement, a stipulation was added that would allow Jeff Hardy a World title shot if he wins the match apart from the prior stipulation that if he loses he is gone from TNA. However in another new stipulation, if Jarrett loses the match, either Karen or Jeff Jarrett will be fired. At ringside, to insure that nobody interferes with the match Sting handcuffed himself to Karen Jarrett. At the start of the match there were numerous escape attempts by both competitors and they effectively used the cage as aweapon to wear each other down. After landing two twist of fates on Jarrett, Hardy attempted a Swonton Bomb off of the top of the cage only for Jarrett to move out of the way at the last second. After Karen managed to disconnect herself from Sting she tried twice to interfere in the match however Hardy was able to take care of business and get the pinfall on Sting to gain a Heavyweight title shot at Genesis next month. Directly after the match Sting announced that this Thursday on IMPACT WRESTLING he will announce if it will be Jeff or Karen Jarrett who will be getting fired.

30 Minute Iron Man Heavyweight Title Match:
In what is a marathon of a match, Styles went into this 30 Minute Iron Man Match at a slight disadvantage having been attacked at the end of this past weeks IMPACT WRESTLING and preventing him from being able to wrestle to the best of his ability due to an injured leg. At the 10 minute mark Roode managed to score the first pin on Styles putting him up 1 - 0. Roode continued to work on Styles’ injured leg and eventually caused Styles to tap out bringing the score to 2 – 0 still in Roode’s favor. Styles managed to close the gap a bit by using Roode’s own submission moved to get him to tap and bring the score to 2 – 1. The next pin came from Styles to even it up at 2 – 2. Styles was on a roll and after an amazing springboard he was able to get a pin and bring the score in his favor at 3 -2. Roode was able to get the next pin which was very controversial as he held the top rope to lock it in and brought the score to 3-3 . The match concluded with a 3 – 3 draw and Roode retained his title.
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TNA's Final Resolution PPV Results - by Strikeout King - 12-12-2011, 01:24 AM
TNA's Final Resolution PPV Results - by Stardust - 12-12-2011, 09:51 AM

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