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Fastest football player in your schools history?
BoondockSaint Wrote:If I had video I'd post the whole game one play at a time. Jones could outrun Gross backwards, and three other Belfry players were faster than him without question, Matt Maynard, Doug Howard and James Akers.

Gross had great vision, good agility, and was tough to bring down, but a speedster he was not. He reminded me of a bigger version of Micah Caudill, also from Belfry, but he wasn't as fast as him either.

Gross rarely ran at full speed unless he was in the open. He always had that sudden burst to avoid a tackler. As Fball stated Gross at or around the 50 and headed for the corner of the end zone. Jones failed to catch him. I agree without a doubt Jones was the fastest player on the field. Howard would hurt you and was also fast.

Russell very well could have won that game had Gross not fumbled when he was about to score. That really Hurt Russells chances in that game.

Jones/Howard Gross/Clark That game could very wel have had 4 of the best backs in one game in a long time.
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Fastest football player in your schools history? - by Jeepman - 11-24-2011, 12:31 PM

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