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Should coaches make their players lift weights year around
I believe there are 2 different reasons for lifting: lifting for say football, and lifting for the beach. I f you lift for football, and you have the right program, you can LIFT 3 days a week Monday-Friday. Say, Mon. Wed. and Fri. are the "lift days" then Tues. and Wed. should soley be dedicated to speed and agility.

IMO lifting for the beach, or body, should be done 5 days a week, but hiting dfifferent mucle groups every day. ex. Mon. chest, Tues, back, Wed. legs, Thurs. Shoulders, and Fri. arms. Also Cardio about 2-3 days a week.

Just my oppinnion.
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Should coaches make their players lift weights year around - by i-dono - 12-31-2005, 09:31 AM

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