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BGR Members Rankings For The Week Of 10/23
PaytoPlay Wrote:EKU,

What kind of consideration did Monroe Co. get?

I think they are in the 10-13 range alongside the likes of Russell, Pike Central, and Corbin.

With 3A you see about 5 defined tiers.

The Champs:
Louisville Central

The Cream:

The Dark Horses:
Ft. Campbell

The Competitive:
Lewis County
Bourbon County
Pike Central
Monroe County
Powell County
Wayne County
Trigg County
Western Hills
Wayne County

The Non-Factors:
Everyone Else

There may be variation between top and bottom of the tiers, but by and large the teams within them could forseeably beat any other team on any given night. It is possible for teams from a lower tier to jump up and get someone, but it would take some things going their way and it compounds every tier you move up (for example Powell could beat Garrard with the right bounces, but in order to beat Breathitt it would take significantly more variables going their way) .
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BGR Members Rankings For The Week Of 10/23 - by EKUAlum05 - 10-26-2011, 09:31 AM

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