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'We The People' Petition Seeks Truth Of Alien Visits From Obama Administration
Is the bullion gone?

Ron Paul's Fort Knox Fever

He demands the Treasury prove there's real gold in the vaults

By Robert Schmidt

Ron Paul, the quixotic congressman and three-time Presidential candidate, has won a following among libertarians and government skeptics for his campaign to abolish the Federal Reserve. Now the Texas Republican has embarked on a new monetary mission: He wants to throw open the doors to Fort Knox.
Paul isn't so sure the nation's supply of gold is all accounted for and thinks it might not exist at all. He has introduced legislation that would require an independent count of the 5,000-plus tons of gold bullion that's sacked away in the Kentucky vault, as well as smaller amounts held in government facilities in Denver, West Point, and New York City. Paul also wants a lab to test the bars, to prove it's as pure as the U.S. Treasury Dept. says.
Paul, who has said he thinks it's possible there is no gold at Fort Knox, told Bloomberg Businessweek the government is asking the American people to trust that all the gold is there, while not allowing site visits and not publishing all the data.

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