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Suspension rules beefed up for Ky. athletes, coaches
Again, I'm at a complete loss on this and something that no one has answered! How many times does this happen????? What if me to death, but seriously, is this a problem!!! In NKY, I have yet to hear of a single ejection! The last ejection that I have even heard about was Zeke Pike last year in the playoffs! Wow, everyone is getting hung up on something that is obviously under control! So, my issue is players need to continue doing what they are doing and refs are obviously handling games in such a manner that ejections are the exception and not the rule! So, if this puts one more reason for football players to find a way to get control, by God, the few ejections that occur will be even less going forward because no one will want to sit three games. Disagree all you want with the number of games, but if it prevents just one more stupid fight from occuring that obviously gets out of hand, then everyone on here needs to applaud it! As I said, these rules are not meant for disciplinary purposes, but prevention!

Why are there speed limits? It's not to give police officers something to do! It's meant to prevent accidents! People who disobey the speed limit, just like myself, deserve the ticket when we are caught! I should have known the rule! We need to stop making excuses for our student athletes and hold them accountable for their actions. They are going to have to learn how to do it anyhow! If you are ejected, the ejection reasons are the same! Thus, the length of time away from the game is fair. If a 20 year old or a 60 year-old hold up a bank, the are both getting 30 years. The 60 year old is not getting less because his number of days left on earth is less!
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Suspension rules beefed up for Ky. athletes, coaches - by Stardust - 10-14-2011, 12:38 AM

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