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McConnell tries to force Reid's hand on Obama jobs bill
TheRealVille Wrote:Mitch's statement about his main priority wasn't the economy or jobs, but to "defeat Obama" is typical of you republicans.
Nothing is stopping Harry Reid from introducing Obama's jobs bill himself in the US Senate. Democrats have enough members to pass the bill with no Republican support and Republicans have no intention of filibustering to prevent a vote.

McConnell has called Obama's bluff and taken the jobs bill that Democrats have no intention of passing off the table as a campaign issue. The last I heard, Obama's jobs bill had no Democratic co-sponsors. Obama's last big stimulus plan failed miserably and even liberal Democrats no that trying the same thing again will not produce jobs that will help Obama hang onto the White House.

You are once again showing your inability to grasp the nuances of American politics. Obama's jobs bill is nothing if not a ploy to defeat his Republican opponent - not by getting it enacted - but by blaming Republicans for Democrats refusal to vote for it. Yet, your response is to make the brilliant observation that McConnell is working to defeat Obama. Thank you Captain Obvious!

McConnell has done exactly what Obama has demanded. He is pushing the bill to the Senate floor for a vote - and that is really the last thing that Senate Democrats and Obama really want. They lied and you are once again toeing the party line.
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McConnell tries to force Reid's hand on Obama jobs bill - by Hoot Gibson - 10-06-2011, 08:59 PM

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