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Split of Letcher Middle School Football.
I don't mean to step on any toes, and the amount of time and work that has been put in with the Cowan and WWE programs is outstanding, but Peewee is meant to teach fundamentals more than anything else. I personally feel that peewee should not be a win at all costs, but a stepping stone to introduce children to the sport. Playing 15-20 games is a little bit of overkill for me. Elementary kids don't need to be out late several nights a week for sports, also they run the risk of recieving burnout. I would like to see a league set up where the HS coach oversees all football operations including coaching clinics for all coaches under him. This would also implement a no blitz format as well as weight classes for positions. Away from here this is very common in most rec leagues. 5-6 teams would be limited to a 10 game schedule. Middleschool would also play a ten game schedule not including a tournament of some kind. Quality instruction will beat quantity of games anytime. Good organization and emphasis in the right areas could really turn Letcher county football around. Just my opinion, and once again I am not knocking anyone at all.
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Split of Letcher Middle School Football. - by cheese4me - 10-04-2011, 07:15 PM

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