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Battlefield 3 beta
The BF3 beta is now officially open to EVERYONE, I repeat, EVERYONE on Xbawx, PS3 and PC. All you need is an EA account and most of you probably have that if you've played any EA sports game or BF2 or Medal of Honor.

I've played it. I like it, but don't love it. It'll be much better once the bugs get worked out, and this game will DEFINITELY catch up with COD when it comes to multiplayer, and already surpasses in Campaign sadly. That's what I buy both games for, multiplayer is just a bonus.

Overall, I like it. The only thing that sucks for me is that it takes a while to unlock optics, and the map and game mode, game mode especially, freakin' suck horribly. The game mode is "Rush", where one side defends 3 objectives, and the other side tries to place explosives on them and stay around long enough to blow em up. As you, or the enemy, takes out the objectives, the map opens up more and more. That's the only part I like. The weapons on this game are freakin awesome though.

Download it and play it. You COD fanboys will at least have something to play on until MW3 comes out. Ya never know, you might fall in love. For Campaign players like me, BF3 is going to be epic awesomeness, and MW3 looks to be good as well. WW3 is always awesome.
Messages In This Thread
Battlefield 3 beta - by vundy33 - 10-01-2011, 06:01 AM
Battlefield 3 beta - by Amun-Ra - 10-04-2011, 06:36 PM

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