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Bell Co. vs Corbin (Freshmen)
They did play, not sure score? I know Bell's best 2 freshman did not play, Cox and Caldwell due to the Varsity time they are playing. I would imagine Corbin won by a decent margin. The majority of Bell's freshman are first year players that are still trying to figure out the game.
Messages In This Thread
Bell Co. vs Corbin (Freshmen) - by goBIGblue82 - 09-08-2011, 09:30 PM
Bell Co. vs Corbin (Freshmen) - by TopCat - 09-08-2011, 09:42 PM
Bell Co. vs Corbin (Freshmen) - by goBIGblue82 - 09-09-2011, 12:31 AM
Bell Co. vs Corbin (Freshmen) - by goBIGblue82 - 09-09-2011, 12:36 AM

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