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Who Shot John F Kennedy? What Happened?
I've read both books. Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F Kennedy was the better of the two. I found Case Closed a somewhat dubious in the research that was done/not done. I also read a version of the Warren Commission Report; albeit an abbreviated one. I've read a few other sources on the subject.

One thing that no none addresses to my satisfaction are the "coincidences" involved in the case; and there are many. I don't want to write pages here and get into great detail, but who loses a President's brain? Or alters the exit/entrance wound of the fatal shot during autopsy?

I do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer, but I also think he was part of a larger conspiracy that perhaps even he didn't know the degree to which it spread. Certainly I cannot prove anything, but I really enjoy reading about it and thinking about it.
Messages In This Thread
Who Shot John F Kennedy? What Happened? - by LWC - 08-25-2011, 10:06 PM
Who Shot John F Kennedy? What Happened? - by nky - 08-27-2011, 01:10 AM
Who Shot John F Kennedy? What Happened? - by Granny Bear - 09-01-2011, 11:20 PM

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