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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, it's hard to get much out of them once you murder them. Unbelievable. Nobody is defending slavery in any form or in any time. Here you go, I'll pitch in and increase your factual knowledge on the subject by at least 100%

Slavery in the United States was a form of slave labor which existed as a legal institution in North America for more than a century before the founding of the United States in 1776, and continued mostly in the South until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865.[1] The first English colony in North America, Virginia, acquired its first Africans in 1619, after a ship arrived, unsolicited, carrying a cargo of about 20 Africans.[2][3] Thus, a practice established in the Spanish colonies as early as the 1560s was expanded into English North America.[4] Most slaves were black and were held by whites, although some Native Americans and free blacks also held slaves; there were a small number of white slaves as well.[5] Europeans also held some Native Americans as slaves, and African-Native Americans. Slavery spread to the areas where there was good-quality soil for large plantations of high-value cash crops, such as tobacco, cotton, sugar, and coffee. The slaves did the manual labor involved in raising and harvesting these crops. By the early decades of the 19th century, the majority of slaveholders and slaves were in the southern United States, where most slaves were engaged in a work-gang system of agriculture on large plantations, especially devoted to cotton and sugar cane. Such large groups of slaves were thought to work more efficiently if directed by a managerial class called overseers, usually white men.

You said the Christian government, what ever that is, "allowed slaves", I believe was how you put it. The same government allowed duelling too, and that has about as much to do with this thread as your slavery comment does though, at least guns were used in both. Since you brought it up I was just pointing out that all governments of that era allowed it and that slavery was nothing unusual all the way back to when Christ was on earth. But, and again I would point this out to you, IT'S OVER as of 150 years ago! Not only is your concern pointless but, it sure doesn't have a thing to do with an invaision in Iraq.

I believe you said that our Government was founded on Christian principles.. Which is how this got started i believe. And i said its hard to believe that a Christian government could allow slavery.

Your Copy and paste from Wiki is nothing any 5th grader hasn't seen in a history book. It's a little sugar coated to say the least.
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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution - by Wildcatk23 - 08-24-2011, 11:37 AM

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