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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Life was so hard that we had to own other humans to do their work?

You really believe this stuff that you say.

They was taken from there homes, There families. Beaten, Murdered, Raped. All slavery was bad. There was no good points to slavery.

See, there you go again, not fully knowing what you are talking about grasshoppa!!! Most slaves were captured and sold to the slave traders by competitive waring factions of their own race and sold to the traders for compensation. The traders didn't just go into the jungles and capture slaves on their own, they were helped from within.

While you are correct that there is nothing good about bondage, as there is no finance so great as what the price of freedom is, you fail to recognize one point. For the average slave owner, the slave was a financial investment. It was to their benefit to keep a slave as healthy and basicly as happy as possible. It would be foolish on their parts to abuse one physically to the point that they could not perform work. Oh, I am sure there are many examples of drunken or mentaly deranged owners being abusive , but for the most part, slaves were thought of in the terms of a piece of equipment or a beast of burden. It was wise for the smart businessman to protect his investment. Keep it well oiled and lubricated, you might say. While the active part of owning another human is despicable, there is still the fact that most were probably treated better and had much better living conditions in colonial America than they had fighting another waring faction from their homelands and enduring capture, torture and death from competing tribes from within their own race. As TRT indicates you are romanticizing it somewhat more than the way it really was.
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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution - by Bob Seger - 08-23-2011, 05:27 PM

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