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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution
Wildcatk23 Wrote:The Majority of slaves was not treated well. The fact that someone else bought another human being and somehow thought it was ok to work them is in know way treating someone well. Even the slaves that weren't beat and whipped still worked from dusk to dawn in plantation fields, factories, Other jobs that they was not paid or compensated for.

Yes there was some slaves that was released and worked in doors for the "Master".

Ok 23 try try to focus here. You mentioned a CHRISTIAN government contrasted against the idea of slavery. Last I checked the Bible had been written in chief, a couple thousand years ago. Slaves are mentioned in the Bible and culturally thoughout recorded history. Slavery was abolished 150 years ago in this country when the argument regarding the legitimacy of 'owning/using slaves' was settled in what was surely the low point in our natiional history in an event known as the the War Between the States. All governments in those days tolerated slavery but, they smartened up.

Now, if you want to insist that most slaves were treated badly, go for it. However, from what I have read that just was not the case. America knows better now and many good men died for that cause 150 years ago.

At any rate,(and we are just talking about slaves in America now, not back through the dawn of time) back then they didn't have a McDonald's on every other corner, or a car to go there in. No airconditioning, not much heat, many times if one was lucky enough to have any kind of building over their head there was nothing but a dirt floor and a makeshift chimney. Therefore an axe and a shovel were to die for. Windows or the glass from them were passed down like trust funds are today. A lot of people dipped water out of a creek or river so a bucket was like a washing machine on the scale of things to have for us, muckety-mucks had an outside privy with a hole in a bench. No refrigeration, no transportation, no phone, people made their own clothes. Sick and need a doctor? Not likely. People had to farm, to eat, chop wood to cook and stay alive in winter. In short, life was hard at best. On the plantation, many of life's neccessities were part of the deal. So, romanticize it however you choose. The likelihood that you have a clear picture of what you're talking out of your head about is not good.
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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution - by TheRealThing - 08-23-2011, 04:03 PM

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