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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution
TheRealThing Wrote:Let me get this straight. You would actually rather see Obama get another 4 years in the White House, than to have Perry in there? You know the NYTimes is a liberal hotbed of creative reporting. One can make numbers say anything about just about anybody. This article is nothing more than the run of the mill political bashing of anything not liberal. Crap like this will be printed every day by this rag until at long last Obama is out on street.
I didn't say I wanted Obama for another four. I actually don't want any of the people running to be in charge of this counrty. And of course I knew one of you guys would say the NY Times is nothing but liberal media. I am sure if I tried hard enough I could find some numbers from Fox News that would show the exact opposite and you all would say its the truth.

Also, every politicain can be found doing the exact samethings.

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Seven Ways Rick Perry Wants to Change the Constitution - by Amun-Ra - 08-22-2011, 08:24 PM

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