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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
I would like to explain a little better of why I use bible prophecy to prove whether or not God exists. I completely understand if you don't want to read this post, but I think I might've found an easier way to explain bible prophecy a little better.

Please research all of this information yourself. I've provided links to where I received the information.

If you look at Ezekiel 36:28, you'll notice that there's a bible prophecy. This bible prophecy predicts that Israel will be remade into a nation again. This prediction was made by Ezekiel, who was born in 622 BC. Israel was conquered around 722 BC. Therefore, Ezekiel was born after ancient Israel was conquered. Therefore, when Ezekiel predicted that Israel was going to be made into a nation, he was referring to a time in the future where Israel would come back as a nation again. This bible prediction was fulfilled in 1948. Keep in mind that this bible prediction alone can't prove God's existence. From what I understand, there have been many nations that have been destroyed and came back as a nation again. Something else to keep in mind is that this bible prediction could've been fulfilled because of luck, which in my opinion is perfectly understandable to say.

However, if you look at Ezekiel 36:29-30, you'll notice another bible prediction. This bible prediction is linked with the previous bible prediction of Ezekiel 36:28. Therefore, Ezekiel 36:28-30 altogether predicts that not only will the nation Israel be made again, but also it will have a great agriculture. If you look at Israel today, you'll notice that Israel has a great agriculture. Therefore, both of these bible predictions have been fulfilled.

I imagine the chances of having these two linked bible predictions being fulfilled by luck is very small. Therefore, it's safe to assume that either Ezekiel became very lucky with his prediction or he was truly told by God what he should predict for the future. If God told Ezekiel what to predict, then God obviously must exist.

As I've posted above in earlier posts, there are more bible prophecies that I can list.


Many people like to use science and philosophy in order to prove whether or not God exists. However, I would like to point out something about science and philosophy:

As a percentage, how much knowledge do humans have compared to all of the knowledge in existence? Being very generous, let's say that humans understand 3% of all the knowledge in existence. Now that you know this, what are the chances that the 97% that we don't know will prove God's existence? If you flip that around, what are the chances that the 97% that we don't know disprove God's existence? We can't be completely sure about these questions because we don't know what knowledge we're missing. Therefore, both science and philosophy is a bad way to prove whether or not God exists because both science and philosophy are based on human knowledge. And human knowledge is very limited. Anyone could make a crazy statement, and tomorrow a scientific or philosophical breakthrough might prove them to be correct (Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein).

About bible prophecy, it isn't determined on human knowledge. Instead, it's based on historical facts that are completely unchangeable. If we are able to find bible prophecies that aren't vague or unclear (such as Ezekiel 36:28-30), then we can determine whether or not God exists.

You commonly hear people saying, "If God shows me a sign, I'll believe." That's what bible prophecies are. They're signs from God that point to the fact that he must exist. And if you don't think he exists, then you have to ask the question, "How did the two bible predictions of Ezekiel 36:28-30 come true?"

Whether you agree with me or not, thank you for reading my post. I'm not expecting anyone to post in this thread. And I'm not going to be like I was in the past and constantly post here, begging everyone to please read my post. :biggrin:
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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog" - by Deathstar 80 - 08-21-2011, 08:51 PM

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