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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
Here's the rest of my post:

The question that comes to everyone's mind about whether or not the rapture is about to occur is, "Why now? What makes this time different than the times of the past?"

These are great questions that must be answered by those who say the rapture could happen soon.

Here's my points of why I personally think this time is unique and that the rapture could happen soon:

1. A List of Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in our Generation

I would like to first point out a lit of bible prophecies that have been fulfilled since the 1940's. Here are the bible prophecies:

1) The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled:]
2) The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled:]
3) The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled:]
4) The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled:]
5) The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled:]
6) The Arab-Israeli Conflict Predicted (Psalm 83:2-8) [fulfilled:]

If you look at Matthew 24:32-35, it talks about a fig tree. Grant Jeffrey (a person who is known to be a bible prophecy expert) thinks that the fig tree represents Israel. Here's a link that explains why he thinks that. If the fig tree does represent Israel, then this is very significant. In Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the end-times. In Matthew 24:32-35, Jesus says that the generation that sees all of these things that he talks about will not pass away until all of these signs are fulfilled. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:33 that the end-times are near when these signs occur.

According to Grant Jeffrey, the fig tree in Matthew 24 represents Israel. Grant Jeffrey claims that since Israel was made into a nation on May 14, 1948, the generation that saw that occur is the generation that will experience the rapture. But he hasn't set an exact date, though. All he has said is that the generation that saw Israel become a nation will be the generation to experience the rapture.

I have no idea if Grant Jeffrey is correct or not. I encourage all of you to please do your own research on this.


2. A Bible Prophecy Concerning Global Government

Another point I would like to mention is whether or not a global government is trying to be made today.

I first learned about this when Grant Jeffrey advertised his book Shadow Government. The book looks and sounds like a conspiracy theory. However, I later watched four of Glenn Beck's shows that made me wonder if I should look into it more. The November 8, 2010 show (, , ) was the first show that I watched of Glenn Beck. The next three shows are the shows where he explains how George Soros, along with others, are trying to make a one-world government. Here are the shows:

November 9, 2010 Show:

November 10, 2010 Show:

November 11, 2010 Show:

One last thing to mention in this section is that Grant Jeffrey pointed out a book The First Global Revolution. This book was written by the Club of Rome who, according to Grant Jeffrey, has definitely been promoting a one-world government idea. Here's a link to the book:

I've read only the introduction to that book. But from what I've read, it states that a new world order is going to occur soon and is unavoidable. Just like the industrial revolution, this new world order will change everyone's lives.

The bible predicts that the Antichrist will control the world with a one-world government. If it's true that a one-world government is attempting to be made today, this would be very significant in pointing out whether or not the rapture is about to occur.


4. The Twelfth Imam

For my last point, I would like to mention something about the Twelfth Imam. To my understanding, the Twelfth Imam is known to be the "Islamic Messiah". I'm not clearly sure who the Twelfth Imam is, but I've noticed something very interesting in the past few months. It seems that there happens to be multiple similarities between the Twelfth Imam from the Hadith (an Islamic book that some Islamists follow) and the Antichrist from the bible. These similarities include that both: (1) kill Jews and Christians, (2) rules for seven years, (3) creates peace with Israel and then breaks the peace treaty, (4) rules the world and sets his global seat at the temple mount, (5) kills or beheads non-believers, (6) creates a "mark of the beast", and (7) ends with Jesus returning.

After knowing that, I then want to show you a video:

According to the video above, the leaders of Iran believe the Mahdi (which is pretty much another name for the Twelfth Imam) is currently living with us on Earth.


Again, I would like to remind everyone that I have no idea when the rapture is going to occur. I hope this encourages you to get ready for the rapture. However, please also prepare for your financial future as if the rapture isn't going to occur.
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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog" - by Deathstar 80 - 08-18-2011, 01:06 PM

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