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Smackdown 8/12
Alberto Del Rio versus Daniel Bryan (Money in the Bank Winners Match): A particular caveat to notice is that Daniel Bryan changed his theme song once again. He’s going through theme songs like tweens go through episodes of Jersey Shore. Del Rio drives Bryan to the corner and lands a kick on his ribs, and kicks him in the corner until Bryan fights back with some European Uppercuts and lands a dropkick to the corner of the ring in which he drove Del Rio to. After the pin attempt which Del Rio kicked out, Bryan gets overwhelmed and is driven into the ring post, shoulder first.

Del Rio follows the attack with an impressive back suplex, in which he only gets a two-count. Del Rio then begins to work on Bryan’s arm, softening it up so it can be susceptible enough for his Cross Armbreaker submission. Bryan fights off the armbar Del Rio had locked on him and engages in a small series of European Uppercuts before Irish whipping Del Rio, to which Del Rio counters. Bryan then floats over Del Rio and lands a clothesline on Del Rio. Bryan then begins to launch those stiff Japanese kicks on Del Rio’s chest, until Del Rio ducks the kick meant for his head, and scores an enzugiri out of nowhere, which was an amazing move to pull out.

Del Rio then went to attempt his Cross Armbreaker, to which Bryan pulls out, and launches Del Rio out of the ring. Bryan then capitalizes by doing a suicide dive on Del Rio through the ropes. Bryan, however, had a rather difficult time getting up, as he was tending to his left shoulder. He slowly gets up, climbs to the top rope, and goes for his missile dropkick, which Del Rio moves out of the way, making Bryan crash and burn, so to speak. This gave Del Rio the chance to use his Cross Armbreaker, to which Bryan taps out in haste, and even so, Del Rio kept the lock on for a smidge more amount of time.
After Del Rio’s win, Wade Barrett shows up and lands a kick on the face of Daniel Bryan, then performs his Wasteland finisher on Bryan to send a message to his SummerSlam rival on Sunday.
The camera then shows Christian in a somber mood over his series of misfortunes since Triple H came to be COO.
Ezekiel Jackson versus Cody Rhodes (Intercontinental Championship): Rhodes and Jackson lock horns, and attempts an arm lock before being shrugged off forcefully by Jackson. Ezekiel then whales on Rhodes in the corner before tossing him to the middle of the ring. Jackson went for an elbow drop twice, but Rhodes rolls out of the way both times. Rhodes engages a small offense before being knocked out of the ring once more by Jackson. A commercial break happens and it shows Rhodes taking the offensive, landing punches and kicks on Jackson’s face.

Rhodes goes into a ground game by keeping Jackson down to the mat. After a two-count following his knee drop, Rhodes work on Jackson’s left arm once more, which he turns it into a face lock with a hammerlock attached. As a small glimpse of Zack Ryder’s Internet Championship belt is shown in the audience, Jackson gets up slowly and rams Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes adjusts his lock into a sleeper hold, which Jackson rams Rhodes into the ring corner once more. Jackson went for a corner clothesline, but Rhodes kicked his arm to prevent the clothesline from landing.

Rhodes then went for a bulldog attempt, but Jackson shrugged him off, despite reeling from the pain on his arm. Jackson lands a couple of clotheslines before finishing it off with his corner clothesline, which he finally lands on Rhodes. Jackson then goes for the scoop slam, which he lands on Rhodes three times, weakening him for the Lex Luger-inspired Torture Rack. As Jackson was attempting the Torture Rack, Rhodes reaches for the top rope. DiBiase then climbs the ring to distract Jackson, which let Rhodes score a sneak attack on Jackson. Rhodes then engages in a series of headbutts with his facial mask against Jackson’s face, in which the referee had to stop before Rhodes hit the 5-count.
As the referee was chiding Rhodes, DiBiase once again tried to get the drop on Jackson, but Jackson levels him with a clothesline. Rhodes hits the Beautiful Nightmare kick on Jackson, which fazed Ezekiel momentarily, before responding with a clothesline, that Rhodes blocks and catches Jackson with CrossRhodes for the win, and his first Intercontinental title. The highlight after the match is Michael Cole going out of his way to put over Rhodes as a role model that overcame adversity.

Rhodes then puts a paper bag over Jackson’s head. As Rhodes left and DiBiase was celebrating, Jackson took off the paper bag and leveled DiBiase, before stomping him out of his misery in the corner, as retaliation for losing the title. He then ends his assault by hitting his Book of Ezekiel finisher on Ted DiBiase, and in a show of strength, he Military pressed him out of the ring.
The NFL Film-inspired CM Punk-John Cena video package was shown once again. After that, the announce team hypes the card for SummerSlam this Sunday.

Matt Striker then has an interview with Randy Orton. Orton then states his displeasure for Christian instigating his fits of anger. He recaps the No Holds Barred match, and explains how Christian is his perfect way to unleash his anger on. He touches on his match with The Great Khali, and guarantees victory.

Mark Henry versus Johnny Curtis: If there was a personification of having cold feet, Johnny Curtis fits the bell perfectly. Curtis goes for a hip lock, but Henry easily breaks the hold, and does a violent hip toss on Curtis, followed by a vicious shoulder charge. Curtis then gets further humiliated by being slapped by Henry and then proceeds to deliver a miniscule offense to Henry before being leveled by Henry right then and there. Henry then scores his World’s Strongest Slam for the easy win.
As Henry went to attempt to break Curtis’ leg, Sheamus does a run-in to save Curtis. He then cuts a small promo, taunting Henry to fight him, but instead of Henry going for Sheamus, he just does another World’s Strongest Slam on an already beaten Curtis outside of the ring, while telling Sheamus that the same fate will await the Celtic Warrior.
Randy Orton versus The Great Khali: A brief staredown begins the match. Khali and Orton lock horns until Khali pushes Orton off him and into the corner. Orton then engages in a small amount of offense before being manhandled by Khali once again with a clothesline. Khali then stomps on Orton, which draws the referee to chide Khali, giving Jinder Mahal an opportunity to choke Orton momentarily. Khali then lariats Orton out of the ring, as he gets out of the ring as well, and proceeds to drive Orton’s head into the steel steps.
Khali then drives Orton into another set of steel steps, and gets tossed back into the ring. Khali then lands a huge chop on Orton’s head, to which Orton, inexplicably, kicks out at 2. After the kickout, Khali does a vicious grip on Orton’s shoulder. Orton fights out of the grip and starts hitting Khali with some punches, and lands a dropkick on Khali’s chest, which made him lean on the ropes, and subsequently, gets his arms tangled up in the ropes.
Orton then beats on Khali as he’s trapped, then punches down Mahal for attempting to interfere in the match. Orton then lands a DDT on Khali, which prompted Josh Matthews to say that this is the first time he saw Khali off his feet. So, I guess the matches with Cena, Kane, Henry, Big Show, et al, don’t count, right? Smark moment aside, Orton was attempting to go for the RKO, but Khali counters his attempt into a Khali Vice, and tosses him to the corner of the ring once more.

As Khali was going to press his palm on Orton’s chest, Orton fights back, scores a couple of European Uppercuts, and inexplicably, lands a RKO on Khali for the win. As Orton took his time to bask in his victory, the World Champion, Christian appears before Orton. He then tells Orton that he cannot wait till Sunday for their No Holds Barred match, and lets him know that he “has the best thing going” for him come Sunday. Christian then bids his farewell to Orton to close the show.

Posted by: Aquiles Emmanuel Yika of on Aug 12 2011
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Smackdown 8/12 - by Stardust - 08-13-2011, 06:22 AM
Smackdown 8/12 - by Stardust - 08-13-2011, 06:26 AM
Smackdown 8/12 - by Stardust - 08-13-2011, 06:27 AM
Smackdown 8/12 - by Stardust - 08-13-2011, 06:31 AM
Smackdown 8/12 - by LWC - 08-13-2011, 09:34 AM
Smackdown 8/12 - by Stardust - 08-13-2011, 12:08 PM

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