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Another democratic 'piece of work' floats to the top
I just think that people that make US Law should have a measure of integrity. What they do in their private lives is the true revelation of what and Wu they really are. If they cannot demonstrate sound judgement when they are out of the public eye why should we trust their judgement when they write, debate, amend and vote on the bills that become the law of the land? Will they put the country first or a political mind set/agenda? How can we trust people that are known liars when they get up on national TV and lay out their case to the public at large? It's not like they could check their sexual depravity at the door of the Senate or House Chambers when they go to work.

I don't know how Americans can trust perverts to make any decisions about matters that affect them and their families. Much less, craft legislation that puts another hand on the helm of our future and our children's future. To me this whole matter is healthy and shows the system still works. The natural elimination of people who have been put into a position of leadership that they do not deserve. Once they find themselves in the toilet somebody just needs to pull the handle. :flush: And, I would add that it wouldn't make the least bit of difference to me what their party affiliation was, I would feel the same about a D or an R.
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Another democratic 'piece of work' floats to the top - by TheRealThing - 07-28-2011, 02:04 PM

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