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Another democratic 'piece of work' floats to the top
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree but he should have been convicted by the Senate for perjury. Infidelity should not be grounds for impeachment. If politicians have no sense of honor (and few do), then as long as they have broken no laws or breached any serious ethics rules, it should be up to voters to remove them from office.

The Wu situation reminds me of the one with Dan Rostenkowsi during the Clinton administration. Rosty was a felon whose days were clearly numbered but Clinton needed his vote, so Democrats kept him around as long as possible, despite knowing that he was probably headed to the pokey.

Wu has now been accused of two separate women of forcing himself on them. Yet Democrats want to make sure that he is around to vote on the debt ceiling.

Unbelieveable, there really is "no honor among thieves"
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Another democratic 'piece of work' floats to the top - by TheRealThing - 07-27-2011, 02:53 PM

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