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Why be vilified by Chris Mathews, et als.
^ I see your point. As mentioned before on here what we see happening is the same thing that always happens whenever a liberal lawyer/politician wants to win an argument or an election. He will without any shred of decency,( which is odd considering their collective title," The Honorable " whoever ), launch headlong into a personal attack against his foe, which would be anybody from the other side. In this senario it will always be a conservative republican. RINO's enjoy a certain immunity. This attack will be merciless, debase, and unbridled. Even if said attack destroys the person who is the object of the attack. Or even though the entire argument may be baseless in fact, and a complete fabrication concocted by him just to gain an unfair and dishonest advantage so that he may win his argument/case. I mention this because the majority of heavy hitters in the present admin are lawyers and decidedly liberal. This tactic learned in the court room works well in the political arena when it comes to smearing a potential opponent. And, was on full display during the Clinton years. Let me be first to say that all lawyers do not fit this liberal catagory!

We see this tactic absolutely ever darn day in the news, no matter what channel. It is a never ending brainwash intended to get elected or stay elected as the case may be. There are precious few that are not guilty. A constant and ever abiding torrent of misinformation by the main stream media intended to tear down anything that is not liberal in scope. Example. In a blatant effort to influence a presidential election in favor of the democratic candidate, CBS News anchor Dan Rather was forced out of his anchor chair in disgrace after he tried to disparage George W's service record using unvetted documents, a mere two months prior to election day. In other words, he was so agog to get his man in office he risked everything to break this story. Why? Because he wanted it to be true so badly it twisted his judgement. IMO

I believe that a republican can win none the less as long as he/she doesn't get drawn into the name calling and sticks to the truth. Keep repeating what is wrong with unfettered entitlements, health care, defense, personally invasive govenmental pactices of all kinds, the I'll lecture you attitude, from the oval office regarding everything from foriegn policy, or lack there of, to the rediculous green theology/technology rhetoric. Drill baby drill. And I believe Obama can be beat.
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Why be vilified by Chris Mathews, et als. - by TheRealThing - 05-24-2011, 02:43 PM

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