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Why be vilified by Chris Mathews, et als.
Why are so many possible canbdidates avoiding entering the 2012 presidential race? I believe the answer is obvious. They don't want to be branded daily as "racists".

If you watch the liberal news/commentary channels, read the leftist newspapers, and/or listen to comments by Democrat officeholders and their operatives, it is already crystal clear that no one is or will be allowed to oppose Obama without being savagely labeled. To oppose Obama or his policies (or to suggest that we need to cut some of the giveaway programs that are saturated with fraud and waste) is branded as overt or covert racist. Opposition is often called "coded racism" or "racially motivated", or "racially insensitive" or "racial stereotyping" or some other such popular phrase.

Whatever poor fool runs against Obama will face these charges daily. It is already being predicted openly that this will be the dirtiest campaign ever run by an incumbent. Does anyone doubt it?

Obama is our most under-qualified president and has "risen" to his expected level of incompetence. Still, he will be reelected and he will be reelected with ease. All serious competitors are, or should be, aware of this and are sitting out the process until 2016.

None will openly admit that they are in a "can't win" situation but all should know it.

Does anyone seriously believe that Obama can lose in this present atmosphere?
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Why be vilified by Chris Mathews, et als. - by Harry Rex Vonner - 05-24-2011, 01:13 PM

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