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JR's Blog
How did WWE do in Mexico City? HUGE...almost 20,000 people and a live gate hovering just under $1M. WWE will produce TVs in Mexico City this fall which has been on the drawing board from quite some time. W/ Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, and now Sin Cara in the fold, WWE has significantly strengthened its position in the Mexico marketplace as their TV ratings indicate. Strong TV clearances in Mexico has been vital to WWE's growth there too.

Will WWE begin to utilize managers again? Not sure what the story on that is but apparently Michael Hayes filled that role with Tyson Kidd on WWE Superstars this week which can be seen on http// now. I assume 'PS' wore attire from his 'Don Cornelius/Soul Train' collection. If WWE does utilize 'managers' it will be new again and some key, manager additions can help younger talents in a variety of ways. I am a fan of managers. Arn Anderson would make a great mentor/manager IMO.

If I could change one thing within the business as it relates to wrestling on TV what would it be? Investing more time in bell to bell competition.

What are my thoughts on Chyna returning to TV? Happy for her. Why wouldn't I be? She needs to earn a living too. Not sure where she is as it relates to her passion for the genre any longer but she is earning a pay day. For the record, I still don't endorse women wrestling men plus I never said Chyna was undeserving of Hall of Fame consideration as some misinterpreted.

Best match of the week on TV? Hard to say...subjecitve question but I enjoyed Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan on Smackdown about as much as anything, off the top of my head, that I saw all week. Cara is unique and Bryan is vastly underrated. Both men are innovative.

How was it being in the ring with Jack Swagger? As I have said, Swagger is a legit beast and has no clue as to strong he really is. Jack Swagger should evolve into a main event level star if he devotes 100% of his professional energy into the matter which he seems to be doing. I have high expectations for this upper level athlete and hold him to a higher standard than many of his peers. I still maintain that Swagger has a bright future. For the record, I have no desire to ever physically engage the former Sooner again.

The NHL....I don't dislike the NHL but I'm not a big hockey fan. Reason: hockey wasn't a local hit when I was a kid growing up in Oklahoma. With that said, as a sports fan I'm likely to watch some of the Stanley Cup. I wish I understood the rules better but I do like the physicality and ESPN's Barry Melrose enhanced mullet is thought provoking.

Yes...I may well attend the Strikeforce event coming up in Dallas. I like the heavyweights and feel that the Mrs. might enjoy seeing Gino Carano fight just as I would.

Its highly unlikely now....with Brock Lesnar out of the June Vancouver UFC PPV that I'm going to make the trek from Oklahoma to Vancouver which we had seriously contemplated doing.

Do I think that Hulk Hogan should wrestle again? First, this is absolutely none of my business but if it means putting one's self in more physical jeopardy or only being able to go through the motions, I'd suggest not. This issue is one guy's decision and that person isn't me.

Do I think that Undertaker will attempt to run his undefeated streak to 20-0 and will be ever be beaten at a Wrestlemania event. Yes, 'Taker will do all he physically and mentally can do to run the streak to 20-0 which makes it even more untouchable. Hell no, I don't think that he will ever lose at a Wrestlemania. Just my two cents.

Will I be in Seattle for 'Over the Limit?' I haven't heard but if not I'll certainly watch it on PPV and I do know that good seats are readily available for the fans to attend live.
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JR's Blog - by Stardust - 05-14-2011, 08:10 PM

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