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National Budget and National Debt Limit
nky Wrote:Debt limit is an artificial ceiling that means very little. Until real spending is cut debt/deficit issue will not change. Also we can not tax our way out of this issue. Those that are argue for a certain percent of the population to pay their "fair" share of taxes and belittles those "evil" rich or big business are also the same people who state that the cuts that a proposed are only a drop in the bucket. Even if you confiscate the wealth of that 1% of the population It will only be a small percentage of the national deficit.

Real Spending cuts must be made, reforms need to be made in the IRS and the way we are taxed, government waste must be rooted out.

Totally agree with you. Let's face reality. The dems are in denial to the point of the absurd. We can't continue on our path towards the cliff but, we are. The only way this nation will survive the short term is to vote these screwballs out of office. I appreciate policticians that want to help the poor or the downtrodden, that doesn't mean we can just legislate our way to perfection.

Think about what the Washington wide eyed are doing. We don't like fossil fuels anymore so we legislate all green stuff. What did that do? All and I mean ALL of my energy bills are nearing 200% of what they were two years ago and, my car still has to run on gas, even in the face of all the green legislating, I'm shocked! We pay for the most elaborate 5th column in our nation's history. Forget the trojan horse ruse, we will educate the extemist militant and terrorist from our enemies shores on the taxpayer dime. How about Harvard or Yale, and just let uncle sam know if you need anything else. We can't afford Obama Care, or runaway entitlements. And would somebody please explain to me what we're doing in the middle east?

I guess it would be nice if the world was perfect, and everyone had all they wanted or needed. The reality is that, and here's where the democrats need to pay attention, WE CAN'T LEGISLATE OURSELVES INTO EDEN! Obama quote- "if you, like us, believe that government can make a difference" and then he went on to make yet another promise to the middle class. He has got to stop trying to be everybody's provider, unless he has 15 trillion laying around to cover it. It's time to come out of dreamland and face reality. Along with all the other road signs we keep ignoring, now a spokesman for the IMF has recently stated the following "The Age of America is over". And then there's my favorite, Standard & Poors downgraded our credit rating from stable to negative. Seriously, it's a dangerous situation when our government is in the hands of people who think all they have to do to make things ok is to pass yet another bill. I had to teach my children years ago that just writing a check for something won't work, you have to actually have money in the bank.
Messages In This Thread
National Budget and National Debt Limit - by Bolt - 04-12-2011, 05:48 PM
National Budget and National Debt Limit - by Bolt - 04-13-2011, 02:33 AM
National Budget and National Debt Limit - by nky - 04-25-2011, 10:42 AM
National Budget and National Debt Limit - by TheRealThing - 04-26-2011, 12:56 PM
National Budget and National Debt Limit - by nky - 05-10-2011, 10:57 AM

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