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Jon Stewart calling out hypocrisy of Fox News
Bob Seger Wrote:7 years? I dont think that is all required. To enhance your standing, maybe, but not required. What do you think you should make? Did you not know the prevailing wage scale and the benefit package when you went into your field? I would think that anyone smart enough to determine that they can instuct others would be smart enough to know what they are getting into, but that just my opinion. There had to be some reason for choosing your profession. Could it be the relatively good wages based on hours worked? Every weekend off? Every holiday off? A good retirement package? Perhaps it's the 3 months summer vacation, along with the weeks vacation in the fall, the 3 weeks vacation at Christmas and another vacation week in the spring? Perhaps all of the above? I think that Oldschool touched on the days teachers report to their classrooms vs. the average private sector employee.

So are you comparing and justifying the teaching profession as a subsitute for paying a baby sitter? Surely you didn't just imply that? If so, I think you just made "a case in point" statement.

As for making more by being innovative and perhaps making more money doing something on your own, are you also prepared to risk it all to a potential total loss as a possible consequence as well?. It works that way too. Far more often than receiving the windfall version, I might add.

For what it's worth, I dont have a problem with teachers getting what they get right now, I just dont think a tax paying community should be subjected to walkout and strike tactics. Again, just my opinion. I stress again, to try it in the other world, and see how that world is living right now. The ones paying your wages are conceeding every where they turn around. Do state and federal employees receive a special gift from God that they are exempt from the trials, challanges and consessions than those that are footing the bill ?

The above bolded section is always a mis conception, and I am glad that you have pointed it out. Teacher contracts are only 175-177 days long. So that time off as you put it kindly, I am not getting paid for it. It is true I can select my pay over the course of a year, i.e. once a month or twice a month. But please do not think that teachers get paid for a full year's work.

As for me though, I do not mind to share why I went in the profession and work in another profession as well. It comes down to the same basic principle of wanting to help others. Money has very little to do with any of my decision making on these points. (If I sound like I am preaching here, you can tune me out, it is not my intent). I believe that I can not take anything with me when I go home. I do live in my means though, because I do believe in personal responsibility.

I once thought that I could help this region by educating the youth of this region, help them find their path. However, I found that all I have helped to do is to improve the individual lives of former students, where they could leave this place and work somewhere else. I have helped in causing a regional brain drain. So I prayed hard, fasted, and so forth seeking His will in all of this, I was pointed to the book of Nehamiah, and found courage through that as well as the book of Joshua. I decided that the only way to make a difference is to start a company right here in S.KY to hire these people back to the region which in turn will bring more commerace and so on and so forth. That is what I am currently working on each day after I complete my first job. And as Paul Harvey once said "and now you know the rest of the story".
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Jon Stewart calling out hypocrisy of Fox News - by tvtimeout - 03-18-2011, 10:06 PM

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