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Bell County vs. Knox Central (13th Region Semi's) 3/5
Football1 Wrote:Going to bring a set of binoculars and try to bum a hearing aid so I can actually participate in the game instead of feeling like I'm watching it from window outside a High School gym.

IN the words of a credit card commercial:

Gas to the game: $10
Ticket, Popcorn, and a Coke: $20

Seeing a venue like the Arena destroy what otherwise would have been an atmosphere so thick with anticipation and excitement you could cut it in chunks: Painful.

Wow, did you ever hit the nail on the head with this comment!!

The only thing I would disagree with is Gas to the game: $50

Every seat in this "Arena" is a cheap seat. The fans are so removed from the action, it really diminishes the experience. I prefer the tournaments to be held in a school gymnasium, but that's just MHO.
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Bell County vs. Knox Central (13th Region Semi's) 3/5 - by Granny Bear - 03-04-2011, 08:27 AM

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