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East Kentucky Drillers First Home Game (TOMORROW FRIDAY FEB 25TH 7:30 PM)
Westside Wrote:I hope they make it. A lot of people in Eastern Kentucky complain that there's never anything to do around here, but then they never support ventures like this. I also think they are better than a glorified high school roster. Al Holland and David Jones both participated in NFL training camps.
Exactly. The people that won't go to these games, which will be fun enough for 5-25 bucks, are the same people that won't stop complain about there being nothing to do. He says it won't last. Well, it would if more people like him would support it. It is like they want to act to good for it for whatever reason.
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East Kentucky Drillers First Home Game (TOMORROW FRIDAY FEB 25TH 7:30 PM) - by Panther Thunder - 02-25-2011, 11:13 AM

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