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Disabled pitcher cut from high school baseball team
Crossbones Wrote:I'm failing to see where he was descrimanated against, by the americans with disability act. The article never said if the facility was not handicap accessable. I'm sure that it is. Most all places I have seen have handicap ramps and accessories. He was allowed to try out. So were was he descrimanated against? You all seem to be still argueing that he should of made the team because he throws 80mph. Should they cut some of the other pitchers, who could go on to play collage ball, to make a place for him. Wouldn't that be decrimanating against them. Again, what about the other kids that tried out and made the team? He was not the only one cut, 23 others were also. What about them, were they descrimanated against because they were not as good as the others? This is not about descrinanation, it's about not being as good as the others ahead of him.

You just don't understand. A 16 year old throwing in the 80s isn't as common as a lot of you people think. We have a young man here in the area that was throwing in the 80s at 16 and is now a Senior and has signed to play at UK and possibly may be drafted this season. So apparently ALL the pitchers that were kept are ALL D-1 prospects? DANG...ALL the other Schools just may as well forget beating this team.

Also, The coach said he couldn't cover bunts. Why say this if the kid wasn't even given the chance to do this. The kid said he only threw.

Now, here's one for ya. Who to say that the coach cut the kid because....He felt that if he kept the kid....the other kids would either feel:
1- They must really suck if the can't make a team and cripple can.
2- The only reason he made the team was because he is disabled.

Now...Wouldn't it be easier to explain and show...why you kept the kid.
Than what is happening now and giving lame excuses via someone else and not explaining it yourself. :please:

The kid was discriminated against because of his disability....period.
The Coach lied about why he was cut. He said he couldn't cover bunts.
The kid was denied that opportunity to show he could and asked to be the waterboy.
Therefore this now fits:

(5) individuals with disabilities continually encounter various forms of discrimination, including
outright intentional exclusion, the discriminatory effects of architectural, transportation, and
communication barriers, overprotective rules and policies, failure to make modifications to
existing facilities and practices
, exclusionary qualification standards and criteria, segregation,
and relegation to lesser services, programs, activities, benefits, jobs, or other opportunities;


“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
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Disabled pitcher cut from high school baseball team - by OffTheHook - 02-19-2011, 12:35 PM

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