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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
The Arch Warrior Wrote:No one is wanting 2 diminsh what the players done at SV im proud of them they are just wondering y Booher was hired with a 11-17 record the following year can u explain that? Also people are just wondering what would have SV really done if these players weren't heldback and placed in the same grade if they stayed in their original class would they have won the state championship? I dont know or would Greg or Rodney won state long before 2010, do you think the 09-10 was the most talented team ever at SV probably not? There was many talented teams in the earlier and mid 2000's and if these players didnt influence and wasnt successful and didn't create the Dynasty at Valley do you think these players would have wanted to go to Valley probably not, but as you know the most talented team doesnt always win it all case and point Kentucky last year by the far the most talented team but they couldnt win it all in the end right?

Who is they? And when did holding back become illegal?
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by kentuckynole - 01-27-2011, 03:32 PM

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