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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
HollaBack Wrote:Yes I compared Booher to Coach K, and I’m going to keep on with the Duke theme here because obviously you NEVER check your stats before you post. You have posted like 600 different posts correcting yourself and I am going to correct you again (man I must be one smart KIDDO HAHAHAHAHA)!!! So Duke was nothing before Coach K eh, and ANYONE would have been a good choice? WOW to me it seems that in the 1979-80 season, the year before K arrived, Duke was 24-9 overall. The year before that, they were 22-8. I could keep going, oh wait I will… Duke was the NCAA runner-up in 1964 and 1978. They also made the Final Four in 1963 and in 1966. So how in the WORLD can you say that “Duke was terrible at basketball so anyone seemed like a good coach he just turned out to be better than they thought.” OBVIOUSLY you don’t do your research and you just keep on sipping your Haterade and then posting. All I am asking of you is 2 things. Please do your research before you post, and stop bashing people on anonymous message boards. To quote one of my favorite songs…

“How did hatin get started? It started by the jealous people and they get mad over things you have and they things they’ll never have!!!”

Listen no disrespect but I dont believe I have to look something up before every post the last time I checked this was America and the first ammendment is freedom of speech,religion,press it doesnt say do research before you freely express yourself, theres your homework kid. Also you say Duke was good before Coach K I say no it's matter of opinion not facts and they definately didn't win anything important before he got there I just remember watching tapes of UK beating the brakes of them in 1978 for our 5th championship. Did you just quote some rapper? and then try to act like those are deep meaningful lyrics please kid listen to real music. But to get back on subject, what do you think is wrong with Holmes (Holla Back) or are they just perfect at 12-7?
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by The Arch Warrior - 01-27-2011, 03:31 PM

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