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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
WOW! Arch Warrior do you two EVER get out of Pike County so that you can stop sippin on SO much Haterade??? I mean I live in eastery KY, but this seems bad. OK, as much as you two probably HATE the guy (because you are probably KenSucky fans) Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) is one of the best college coaches around right now. He started coaching at Duke during the 1980-81 season. Where did he come from? Army! His record the previous year 9-17!!! HAHAHAHA! So you ask why take a risk on Booher because of his record at Belfry? Why take a risk on Coach K with a losing record the previous year at Army (think outside the box and not just in Pike County). My point exactly!

Then your second argument about was that the best SV team ever and the people that played there made those players want to play at SV. HA! Players now a days DO NOT care about the history of a team. A perfect example...UCLA. That would be just like saying everyone wants to play for UCLA because they have the most titles, the best history, etc. NOOOOOOOOOOOO....they wanted to play for the coach. Wow, what a similar coicidence. Therefore, go drink some more Haterade and look outside of your small county. You can't just take what you are saying and isolate it to this one instance. You must look at examples like Coach K and UCLA and see that wow, Booher really did do something special. He makes teams better and he has 3 championships under his belt. Appreciate Ya!!!
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by HollaBack - 01-27-2011, 10:38 AM

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