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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
The Arch Warrior Wrote:What is the problem here they have lost 3 straight and have lost more games already than they have in the past 3 years combined with a record of 12-7? I guess this goes 2 show you what happens when a coach doesnt have a talented group of players that have been held back together and that have played together all their life like he did at Shelby Valley for years. Anyways is it just the coach or what is the problem? This team just won state 2 years ago. Confusedhh:

This is an idiot post :ChairHit:
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by PantherTradition - 01-26-2011, 09:01 PM

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