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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
HollaBack Wrote:Per KHSAA scoreboard

Henry County
1997-1998 season 4-17 Coach Mike Appleman
1998-1999 season 10-16 Coach Jason Booher

2002-2003 season 6-18 Coach David Hatfield
2003-2004 season 11-17 Coach Jason Booher

Overall two years before he got there

Overall two years while he was at Henry and Belfry

His teams doubled their win total for those two years. Looks like you should have done your research before commenting like this:rockon:

Coach Henley left Holmes for a reason. He went to North Oldham were he is currently 9-9. That doesn't make either a bad coach. SV is struggling this year and lost more than they have in many years. It doesn't make their staff bad coaches. Sounds to me like the person who started this thread has an agenda, just like the same ones while Booher was at SV who wanted his job then.

:Thumbs: - Nice post. I agree.
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by #1 Blackcat Fan - 01-26-2011, 03:47 PM

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