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Jeffersontown in Trouble With The KHSAA
As a result of the criticism of officials, the following penalties have been assessed:

The boys’ basketball program at Jeffersontown has been fined $1,500;
Morrow loses NFHS defined coaching box rules for three contests and is confined to the team’s bench;
He must appear and make a public apology at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Kentuckiana Basketball Officials;
Morrow also must make separate public presentations at in service professional development sessions to Jefferson County coaches, athletic administrators and principals on the subject of negative media relations and improper or inappropriate use of social networking;
He will also appear as a presenter at the 2011 HYPE Student Leadership Conference and discuss the subject of dealing with the consequences of taking action without first regaining composure during stressful times.
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Jeffersontown in Trouble With The KHSAA - by Strikeout King - 01-26-2011, 03:14 PM

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