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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!!
The Arch Warrior Wrote:What is the problem here they have lost 3 straight and have lost more games already than they have in the past 3 years combined with a record of 12-7? I guess this goes 2 show you what happens when a coach doesnt have a talented group of players that have been held back together and that have played together all their life like he did at Shelby Valley for years. Anyways is it just the coach or what is the problem? This team just won state 2 years ago. Confusedhh:

I have heard that Coach Booher has tried to install a bit of discipline @ Holmes with much resistance from parents. For example, not letting the kids have their cell phones during practice, or letting them use a friends' or parents' phone during games. Imagine that, not allowing the players to text during practice.... Apparently some parents are not very happy and have let Booher know.

I've also heard some kids have been benched for complying with Booher's dress code on game days. And before I get blasted because some of the kids @ Holmes are less fortunate than other kids, I understand it's because they are wearing their pants low like you'd see out on the streets.

Booher is a good coach and doesn't need the aggravation. Many of the parents wanted Dickie Beal as the coach. I look for him to be a one and done coach at Holmes and to land on his feet somewhere else next season.
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Holmes has already lost more games (7) than they have in 3 years!! - by horst muhlmann - 01-26-2011, 09:13 AM

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