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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
The reason why bible prophecies are significant are because it's a specific prediction from about 2,000 years ago becoming fulfilled. How could a person living 2,000 years ago accurately predict a specific event that took place just recently? It could just be a coincidence, but what does it mean when there are two, three, or more predictions that were fulfilled? If there were multiple predictions that were fulfilled, then you have to assume that this isn't from coincidence. Therefore, if the people of the Old Testament of the Bible is predicting multiple future events, then their source (the God of the bible) must exist. Not only that, but also if they said anything about the "end of days", then it can be assumed that we could be near the rapture and second coming of Christ.

I recently have made a list of Bible prophecies. Keep in mind that all these Bible prophecies that I'm only listing have been fulfilled recently. In this list, I first have the Bible prophecy. In parenthesis ( ), I have the Bible verse where the Bible predicts this event. In brackets [ ], I have a website or notes for a source that the Bible prophecy has been fulfilled. For some of these Bible prophecies, there are bullets for extra information. By the way, before I give this list, I want to tell you to look all this information up. PLEASE, don't trust me at all on this. Look at the Bible verses yourself, the sources and notes I've provided, and any sources that you might want to look up yourself. If there's something that you don't like, that's fine. Feel free to post any comments in this thread. And I also have to say that a lot of credit goes to Grant Jeffrey in writing The Signature of God because I sometimes took direct words from his book and pasted them here. Here's the list:

  1. The Rebirth of Israel (Matthew 24:32-35, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 66:8, Ezekiel 36:24, Ezekiel 36:28, and Ezekiel 37:21) [fulfilled here]
  2. Predictions About the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Psalm 83:2-8) [fulfilled here]
    -> a) You might want to check Psalm 83:2-8. I'm not sure if Psalm 83:2-8 is talking about the nation of Israel remade in 1948 AD or about the nation of Israel before it was destroyed in 722 BC.
  3. The Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language (Zephaniah 3:9a) [fulfilled here]
  4. The Return of Ethiopian Jews to Israel (Zephaniah 3:10, Isaiah 43:6) [fulfilled here]
  5. The Astonishing Fertility of Israel (Isaiah 27:6, Ezekiel 36:28-30) [fulfilled here]
  6. The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World (Matthew 24:14) [fulfilled here and read the following bullets for information]
    -> a) I couldn’t really find a specific website for this, although I have found something. The link that I provided above is a link about Chistianity. In this webpage, it states this about Christian history: “Becoming common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the world's largest religion.” I’m not really sure if this is solid proof, though. I encourage you to decide for yourself if this bible prophecy has been fulfilled or not… And in the future, I hopefully will find something about this and post it here.
  7. Dramatic Increase in Knowledge and Travel (Daniel 12:4) [read following bullet for information]
    -> a) I would guess that I don’t need a source for this. We all know that humanity has gained a lot of knowledge in the past 150 years with the invention of the phone, television, radio, cars, steamboats, planes, computers, the internet, etc. And with some of those inventions (faster-moving boats, planes, cars), we can now travel in less time and in longer distances than in the past.
  8. Preparations for the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18) [fulfilled: here, read the first paragraph of the subtitle “Security concerns”, the subtitle “Government Control”, and the fourth paragraph of the subtitle “Human implants”]
    -> a) Revelation 13:16-18 states that during the Tribulation Period (after the rapture), there will be a time when no one can buy or sell without the mark of the Antichrist. Back then when this was predicted, it most likely sounded idiotic to say something like that. Back then, they obviously didn’t have the technology to do anything like that. However, we have the technology today to create a global economic system (proof for this can be found in the link above).
    -> b) The bible prophecy about the mark of the beast being made will occur after the rapture. I just wanted to show that this technology is available to the world right now, and this technology can be used at any moment to create the mark of the beast.
  9. Worldwide Mass Communications (Revelation 11:3-12) [fulfilled: CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc.]
    -> a) Here’s what John the disciple prophesied in Revelation 11:3-12 -> During the Tribulation Period the Antichrist will kill two of God’s witnesses who will stop the rain from falling for three and a half years. The prophet declared that people around the world will see the deaths of the two witnesses and will observe their bodies lying unburied in Jerusalem for three and a half days. The whole world will hold a party, exchanging gifts in their relief that their tormentors are dead. Then the human population will watch, astonished, as God resurrects His two witnesses to heaven.
    -> b) The question about this bible prophecy concerning the two witnesses is, how could the entire world see these two witnesses dead? And then, how could the entire world watch as God resurrects the two witnesses to heaven? This couldn’t be possible back when John lived, so it probably was ridiculous to predict something like this. However, we have television today that can update us on worldwide events. We even have live television today to where people would be able to watch the two witnesses go to heaven during the actual time it’s taking place.
    -> c) The bible prophecy for the two witnesses won’t take place until after the rapture. However, I want to point out that we do have the ability today to watch events that happen around the world, which allows this bible prophecy to be fulfilled. This means that the bible prophecy concerning the two witnesses could be fulfilled at anytime.
    -> d) I've just read the bible verse for this. I'm not sure if it predicts that the entire world will see the two witnesses dead and will watch them go to heaven, so I encourage you to definitely decide for yourself... In other words, this Bible prophecy might not be predicting what I said it was predicting. I'll make sure to look more at this.

The point I'm trying to prove is, how could people from 2,000 years ago predict these specific events from happening? Unless, God exists and he told them what to write down. Since God knows the future, he would know what to write down.

Also, if you've noticed, some of these Bible prophecies say that they will be fulfilled during the end times. This is why I really think that the rapture may happen soon, or maybe at least in our lifetime. Just remember to financially live as if the rapture will never happen, but live for Christ as if he's coming soon!
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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog" - by Deathstar 80 - 01-08-2011, 12:28 PM

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