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Clark County Vinny Zollo shatters backboard
Zollo was named to the All Tourney team and also awarded the Mr. Hustle Award.

From J. Demling of the CJ:

[INDENT]Vinny Zollo shatters backboard

Posted on January 1, 2011 by jdemling

Clark County senior Vinny Zollo, a Western Kentucky University signee, shattered a backboard on Friday at the Beach Ball Classic in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
In the first quarter of a consolation game against Wheeler (Ga.), Zollo went up for a dunk that was contested by a Wheeler defender. As he attempted to throw down the dunk, the glass shattered but stayed largely in place.
The Myrtle Beach Sun News reported the tournament was delayed an hour an a half.
"These rims are so loose anyway," Zollo told the newspaper. "They’re meant so that kind of thing won’t happen. It’s kind of a one-in-a-million thing."
The photo is from the Myrtle Beach Sun News.
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Clark County Vinny Zollo shatters backboard - by Gold Charger - 01-02-2011, 01:34 PM

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