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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
TheRealVille Wrote:You do realize that Branham thought Eve had sex with the serpent , right?

yes i know, and before the curse of the serpent , it stood up right like a man, and looked like a man ,only diffrence it didnt have a soul,in Genesis 3;15 God was talking to the serpent and said he would, put enmity between his seed and her seed. and verse 16, he said he would greatly muliply thy sorrow and the conception,in sorrow thy shalt bring forth children...that was showing the act...and the same chapt verse 20,it says that EVE was the mother of ALL living,never does it ever state that adam was the father of all living...also when you look at the generations of adam, csin was not in it, cain had his own....and in 1st john chapt 3:12,it reads,not as Cain who was of that WICKED one,and slew his brother.and wherefore slew he him?because his own works were evil,and his brothers who is the wicked one ,sure not God.....anyway there many of verse tht backs this up, i am not on here to get in a debate, everything is by REVELATION, JESUS talked in parables alot and they ask him why and he said,becuase its not for everyone to understand, that dont mean because you dont your going to **** the ten virgins, 5 had oil(oil represents Holy GHOST)5 didnt and when the marriage super took place the 5 with the oil came in and the 5 without didnt because they was out looking for the oil, we must be ready anyday for his coming.....
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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog" - by cuppett777 - 12-24-2010, 02:13 PM

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