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East/West All-Star Game thoughts
Great experience, great time with the guys. Remember this is an allstar game not just a running backs game or one persons personal highlite game. If I was upset it would have been that I had a kid get selected to go and he sat on the sidelines for 90% of the time. We have to rememebr that these kids were all fighting for a place to play, no one was guarenteed to start and with that some of the allstate selections DID NOT START. With that being said, everyone of the kids I spoke to there were just happy to be selected and YES alot of them wished they would have seen more BALL TIME. BUT on a team with 50 ALLSTARS from each side of the state, it is very difficult. #1 on the WEST receiver had a great catch and got KILLED On a hit, bounced up and ran back to the sidelines- Will Edwards !!!!. Great game. #1 on the EAST had 3 passes thrown to him and he caught them, 2 for first downs and one to set up the 5 yard score be the RB. He did his job. THEY did what was asked of them and did not complain. They did not have somebody running up and down the sideline yelling at the coaches to put them in when they were rotated out.
When you have 50 kids on a team that are selected as all-stars and only 11 can play at a time the best suggestion that i have for them is: PRODUCE!!!
When you are asked to do your job, do it and do it well for the team will be rewarded.

Great uniforms this year and great atmosphere, kids had fun, played in a once in a life time event and sometimes the only thing they hear is from a parent: " You should have played the whole game and never came out, you are better than all the boys on that team."
Our children will remember every piece of information they hear for that experience, it is up to us to make sure that it is positive.
Have a great week and lets get ready for SPRING FOOTBALL.
Messages In This Thread
East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by canoeman06 - 11-28-2010, 10:08 PM
East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by BCat23 - 11-29-2010, 08:16 AM
East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by ILiveForHim - 11-29-2010, 10:16 AM
East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by RichBrooks - 11-29-2010, 11:11 AM
East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by RichBrooks - 11-29-2010, 11:37 AM
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East/West All-Star Game thoughts - by RichBrooks - 11-29-2010, 11:49 AM
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