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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
Bob Seger Wrote:Wasn't trying to dispute it because I have no idea. It was the word "proved" that caught my attention. I dont always have the utmost confidence in everything that "human" scientists state as fact. I can see, "scientists are of the opinion that" or something along that line, but how many times do you see something come up that starts out, "what scientists have long thought was........"? Man is not perfect. I'm just not sold that "proved" is the best choice of wording. That's just my opinion, as I have no proof of anything either way. All I know is, the very first words of the Bible start with "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". I dont see anything that pinpoints a definitive date that this occured. So it could be 4.5 billion years, but it is just my opinion that I doubt that anyone else really concretely knows. Again,this is all just my personal opinion. Obviously not everyone shares the same, and that is certainly their prerogative.

I am assuming that RV is stating the perceived age of the earth as a disclaimer that God truely exists. Not sure how that plays into it though. The one question I do ask is that if God has never existed, where did the earth, and all things come from? Who gave the breath of life? It came from somewhere. That seems to be the thing that there is never an answer for.
:Thumbs:I agree with most of what you said. I think the estimate of the earth's age is probably one of the better theories out there because scientists have reached roughly the same conclusion using entirely different methods. Atheists like to attempt to use science to validate their beliefs but most of those who take that tack have a poor understanding of science themselves.

There are many geniuses in this world who are scientists and who also hold deep religious beliefs. There is no contradiction "there." It never ceases to amaze me how non-genius, non-scientist atheists can be so sure that God does not exist and have the gall to cite science as their proof. I understand the doubts of an agnostic but I will always be baffled by the arrogance of atheists.

An atheist whose intellect I greatly respect, writer Christopher Hitchens, is dying with terminal cancer. Nobody can convince me that he does not ask himself every day, "What if I am wrong?" At least in Hitchens' case, he has shown some appreciation for the prayers and well wishes of fellow humans who are Christians.
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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog" - by Hoot Gibson - 10-28-2010, 07:23 PM

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