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Players fear crack down on hits will change essence of football
The NFL could care less about the players safety! The NFL has for years wanted the game to be more about scoring. More fast paced, like basketball. They honestly think thats what real football fans want for some reason. And now they have their oppurtunity to make the game that way under the guise of fear of players getting hurt. If the NFL actually cared about their players they would take more care of their former players instead of using them up and then letting them rot without any type of insurance or a pension plan that made sense. Matt Millen summed it up best on ESPN the other night: "This is what happens when people who have never played the game start trying to legislate it."
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Players fear crack down on hits will change essence of football - by HAIL PIKEVILLE! - 10-20-2010, 11:56 PM

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