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Have We Accomplished Our Mission In Iraq?
When someone inlist into the military they understand that there is a risk for death. A high risk at that. Soldiers are gonna die in war no matter what, regardless of what the war is being fought over.
It is not in Americas best interest to move out. Like I said earlier without America in Iraq, Iraq would be safe haven that that could harvest these terroriest groups. Without authority in the country these terrorists groups could build up the organizations, physically, geologically, and financially. This is not good because some of these terrorist groups can build up alot of power and could really place another attack on the United States.
Take for example, If America hadnt of went in and cleaned up Afghanistan the Taliban would possibly be stronger than ever today and could have possibly re-created another 911 type attack, maybe even more destruction and death this time around. Im thankful to god that we went into Afghanistan and broke down most of the Taliban and established somewhat of a government there.
If you all would had loved ones that had to jump 200 stories out of the twin towers to thier death, or worse yet were burnt up or decentigrated, then I feel you wouldnt be so quick to want the troops to pull out.
I ask you all these questions.
Why did we get attacked? My answer: That part of the world despises what America believes in and stand for. They hate us and our freedoms. They want to bring America down to low level of life. Plus we didnt have strong-hold or any troops in the middle east.
If we had been more involved in the middle east like we are now, would we have been attacked? My answer, is probably not. Because we would have sucessfully broken up most of these big time terrorist, or at least known more about groups such as the Taliban.
Do you think America is safer today now that we are in the middle east? My answer : I forsure do. With us being present over there makes it extremely difficult for an terrorist group to establish power like the Taliban once had. We simply won't allow it. These insurgents don't want us there because they can't easily run their organized hate crimes against their on people and American people.
What happens if we move out and another attack was launched on America? Lets say this time is much more devastating than the last. Maybe this time one of these groups gets ahold of nuclear bomb and sets it off in a major city such as LA. Killing literally 100,000s..
Would people then be crying that we left to early?
I'm willing to bet that the majority of Iraqs populations wants America to stay put so that one day them and their children alike can experience freedoms like Americans do.
Id say we stay help them build theirselves up. This in return would create a great allie for the United States. America could built bases in Iraq to even further help combat terrorism in the middle east, by having an established military in Iraq 24/7 by having soldiers and military equipment stationed there all the time. We would have better "intelligence' of the middle east area. Which would would help prevent future attacks on America. Plus we simply keep this terrorist groups from ever getting enough power to attack again.
Messages In This Thread
Have We Accomplished Our Mission In Iraq? - by 98 - 11-30-2005, 10:40 PM
Have We Accomplished Our Mission In Iraq? - by imported_torQQue - 12-01-2005, 12:41 AM

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