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Top 5 Sports Books
1. The Sheik of Baghdad: Tales of Celebrity and Terror from Pro Wrestling's General Adnan - truly an amazing read. I only checked it out of the library because it was a new wrestling book that I had not read. It turned into one of the best stories I have ever read. All of us who can remember WMIII, think of it as the biggest wrestling event of all time. Imagine wrestling in front of 250K-500K people in Iraq, during the peak of Suddams reign. It's a great wrestling read, but it is an incredible journey by a guy who loved his country but did not like what his country turned into. Sheikh of Baghdad is the story of an Iraqi American trying to make a difference in this post–9-11 world by telling his story to provide a small ray of hope for peace in the tumultuous Middle East.

2. Juiced - yeah, as dumb as I have always thought Jose Canseco is, he has turned out to be the most informed journalist on the market for steroids in baseball. I remember the 1st time I read it, I thought this guys is lying through his teethe. I still enjoyed it, because I thought what he was saying was so far out there, it was funny as ****! Then when everything came out, I have read it again, and WOW, this idiot was dead on! Not a bad book at all!

3. Pure Dynamite-The price you pay for Wrestling Stardom. A rags, to riches, to rags story. Was the first book to really tell the inside story of professional wrestling, and all the demons associated with it. Talked openly about others in the business and about how you have to sell your soul to work in it.

4. Iron Horse - Lou Gehrig in his time. Absolute classic. I have always been a Yankee fan, and it's the guys like Gehrig that make you know why. Gehrig would be Albert Pujols today. He was the BEST hitter in the game, but everything else overshadowed his accomplishments at the time. He was quiet and did his business, and did it better than anyone.

5. Play Baseball the Ripken Way. I have been a youth, select and High School baseball coach for 15 years. This simplified book is the best read that I have ever read on the subject of teaching baseball. It is fantastic in it's simplicity and ability to break subjects down into teachable actions. I would recommend this to any youth coach around to learn how to communicate and what to communicate to your athletes. I would recommend this to any HS or college coach in it's ability to find the little things and make them correctable.
Messages In This Thread
Top 5 Sports Books - by Westside - 08-26-2010, 08:09 AM
Top 5 Sports Books - by Stardust - 08-26-2010, 09:41 AM
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Top 5 Sports Books - by Westside - 08-26-2010, 11:12 AM
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Top 5 Sports Books - by Stardust - 08-26-2010, 11:40 AM
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Top 5 Sports Books - by Stardust - 10-01-2010, 01:42 PM
Top 5 Sports Books - by GuidugliisGuru - 10-13-2010, 01:23 PM

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