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Huggy breaks 4 ribs in hotel room fall
Three falls in the last 6 months! You have to wonder if his history of drinking has caused deterioration in the brain structure and function? Here is an interesting quote from a recent article I read on alcoholism; " The individual appears more capable than is actually the case, because existing verbal abilities are among the few faculties that are relatively unimpaired by chronic alcohol abuse." Hope he has a quick recovery and has not fallen off the wagon.
Messages In This Thread
Huggy breaks 4 ribs in hotel room fall - by sstack - 07-26-2010, 01:23 AM
Huggy breaks 4 ribs in hotel room fall - by nky - 08-02-2010, 04:03 PM
Huggy breaks 4 ribs in hotel room fall - by Kosar - 08-03-2010, 09:40 AM

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