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04-26-2010, 10:15 AM
Ok coach cal is god and does no wrong he has never cheated or anything! NOT! I mean every program he has ever coached or ever final four he has ever went to was ripped away! I mean i dont think its a coincidence! Just my opinion...I talk to some of the biggest UK fans i know and they are scarred coach cal is going to get them in trouble
04-26-2010, 10:41 AM
I don't know the link for I have it at house and am at school but everyone needs to go to catspause and watch the HITLER video of might even be on youtube...but it is over the Teague recruiting...everyone check it out
04-26-2010, 10:42 AM
Teague will be another 1 & done.
04-26-2010, 04:35 PM
theVILLE Wrote:His teams have also had a line of getting caught up in recruiting violations as well
Aslan Wrote:Cal's had a shady past, it hard to trust him.
theVILLE Wrote:Actually For some reason every team CAl coaches he leaves them in trouble or some kind of recruiting violation! That is a fact!
Aslan Wrote:No matter how you look at it, Cal has a shady past and a final four banner taken away from Memphis and UMASS. Will the same happen to UK? I hope not, but there's a chance.
I see here a big bunch of rhetoric, but no real facts.
Let's see, Calipari's teams having recruting violations and having final fours stripped because of it. Really? Where? All I see were two instances of the NCAA voiding games because of an ineligible player, but no mention of recruiting violations.
At UMass, Camby took money from an agent during the season, at which point he was no longer an amateur and thus UMass' run to the Final Four was nullified for using a player later deemed to be ineligible. Not exactly Calipari's fault, and I would love for someone to tell me how he could have prevented this from happening, short of monitoring Camby's whereabouts 24/7.
At Memphis, Rose had his college entrance test voided by the testing service after the season was over, for allegedly having someone else take the test for him. The NCAA retroactively ruled him ineligible, which voided all of Memphis' victories that year including the Final Four trip. Once again not Calipari's fault, and I would love for someone to tell me how he could have prevented this one, short of volunteering to proctor the exam room Rose was in himself.
Once again, as has been mentioned earlier on this thread, Calipari has NEVER been implicated by the NCAA for any wrongdoing. Is he a saint, no, but I don't think he does things any differently than any other big-time college coaches, including Pitino, Roy Williams, Coach K, Bill Self, or whoever.
04-26-2010, 06:00 PM
Like some said earlier the NCAA plays favorites!
04-26-2010, 09:50 PM
theVILLE Wrote:Like some said earlier the NCAA plays favorites!
Even looking at some reports coming out of Kansas, some kind of violation is being talked about but the NCAA seems to be content in staying away from it.
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04-26-2010, 10:01 PM
Alright lol. I hope he don't get UK in trouble with the NCAA but I just don't completely trust him.
04-27-2010, 01:40 PM
Aslan Wrote:Alright lol. I hope he don't get UK in trouble with the NCAA but I just don't completely trust him.
Yeah thats what i was saying! I mean he has had a shady past with his past teams...I mean what other coach has had both his final four runs stripped away...i mean he hasnt been mentioned...but you cant really sit there and say he wasnt in the middle of it...
05-03-2010, 02:50 PM
theVILLE Wrote:Yeah thats what i was saying! I mean he has had a shady past with his past teams...I mean what other coach has had both his final four runs stripped away...i mean he hasnt been mentioned...but you cant really sit there and say he wasnt in the middle of it...
Actually, yes I can. What reason can you give for saying that he WAS in the middle of it? Go back and read my previous post (#64) and tell me exactly how Calipari was at fault for either situation.
And no, Calipari has not had two final fours stripped away. UMass and Memphis have each had a final four strippped away, for using players later deemed to be ineligible. Not the same thing.
05-03-2010, 02:53 PM
I see where you are coming from...Calapari is go and does now wrong...He doesnt pay his players or anything...UK is the best team ever...Wait that was neighbors UK blue shades i had on...Take them off and you will see as well that it is so obvious to what goes on
05-03-2010, 03:04 PM
I am only going to say this one time. The clearing house that cleared Derek Rose should be held accountable for clearing him the first time, then came back and say they made a mistake. I do agree they need to do a better job making sure that players are visibly there when they take the test. Is is Cal's job to hover over players to make sure they take the test themselves? No it is the schools responsibility, and the school should have been in trouble also. It all goes back to students first, and who was the teacher that gave the test to Mr Rose. If they say he was there and he wasn't then they should loose there job. I am sorry, but I am really big on accountability. There should be 0 tolerance for high schools administrators that are held in certain standards.
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My Priorities are:
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05-03-2010, 03:25 PM
theVILLE Wrote:I see where you are coming from...Calapari is go and does now wrong...He doesnt pay his players or anything...UK is the best team ever...Wait that was neighbors UK blue shades i had on...Take them off and you will see as well that it is so obvious to what goes on
Actually, in your feeble attempt at sarcasm, you did make some true statements.
1) Calipari is God and does no wrong = Incorrect. Although basketball is often called the state religion of Kentucky, this does not make the head coach a deity. And since there has only ever been one man on earth to never do any wrong, the second part would also have to be false.
2) Calipari doesn't pay his players or anything = Correct. Since there have never been any credible allegations that Cal has done this, much less actual proof, one can only assume that he does not.
3) UK is the best team ever = Correct. Maybe the most accurate statement you have ever made on here.
05-03-2010, 03:33 PM
theVILLE Wrote:I see where you are coming from...Calapari is go and does now wrong...He doesnt pay his players or anything...UK is the best team ever...Wait that was neighbors UK blue shades i had on...Take them off and you will see as well that it is so obvious to what goes on
Get off your High Horse man. Yes, Cal has a shady past, but it wan't all his fault. If you believe that he has already cheated while at UK, you are outside your mind. Teague chose UK because it's a better system to show off his skills.
Even if he did commit the violations at UMASS and Memphis, doesn't mean he will do it at UK. What does he need to anymore when he is now a Coach at the University with the greatest tradition in colllege basketball. It's UK! Players pick our school because of what is on there chest. That "Kentucky" on there chest represents pride and excellence. It represents the people of the Bluegrass, the greatest fans in all of sports. It doesn't matter if they was in the NIT just a few years ago, cuse that was Billy G, this is Cal. If Barnhart had been smart and hired Cal when they fired Tubby then we prlly would have won a title in under Cal already. Cal will recruit many good players because of the school that he is coaching at. Back when Pitino was our coach people hated seeing Kentucky on there schedule because it meant a lose, Cal will have us back there shortly.:1:
05-03-2010, 03:36 PM
WALL2WALL Wrote:Get off your High Horse man. Yes, Cal has a shady past, but it wan't all his fault. If you believe that he has already cheated while at UK, you are outside your mind. Teague chose UK because it's a better system to show off his skills.
Even if he did commit the violations at UMASS and Memphis, doesn't mean he will do it at UK. What does he need to anymore when he is now a Coach at the University with the greatest tradition in colllege basketball. It's UK! Players pick our school because of what is on there chest. That "Kentucky" on there chest represents pride and excellence. It represents the people of the Bluegrass, the greatest fans in all of sports. It doesn't matter if they was in the NIT just a few years ago, cuse that was Billy G, this is Cal. If Barnhart had been smart and hired Cal when they fired Tubby then we prlly would have won a title in under Cal already. Cal will recruit many good players because of the school that he is coaching at. Back when Pitino was our coach people hated seeing Kentucky on there schedule because it meant a lose, Cal will have us back there shortly.:1:
Your argument had merit until you said "Why would he cheat at UK when he has everything". I pretty much thought that exact same thing about Tiger cheating on his wife..... :HitWall:
05-03-2010, 03:41 PM
Stardust Wrote:Your argument had merit until you said "Why would he cheat at UK when he has everything". I pretty much thought that exact same thing about Tiger cheating on his wife..... :HitWall:
He does have everything. An amazing campus where kids love to come and learn, an amazing workout facility(best in the country), plus it's Kentucky. As long as Cal is our coach, he will recruit the best because of his system of play, and it's Kentucky.
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