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State Tourney Officials
Just heard last night that the referees that called the Rockcastle/Scott Co. game were fired and will no longer referee officially again. It sorta goes to show you that a lot of peoples opinions were right on the money. Not saying that Scott Co. didn't deserve to win but the Rock girls did'nt deserve to lose the way that they did. Oh well those girls know what they got and can hold their heads up high.
Is there proof of this or is this some type of rumor. I was at the game and it was poorly officiated but it didn't merit a firing.
I am sure that the KHSAA does not publish an official list of every employee they fire so that will be impossible to prove. BUT I have several friends that are umpires/referees and if I knew the names of the referees I could ask for validation.
My referee/umpire friend says they were NOT fired, BUt they have been banned from post-season play for 1 full year.

Basically, the KHSAA admits that the referees were bad for that game.
So I guess the Scott Co.girls should not hold their heads up high?!?!?!?!?!? They played just as hard and didnt have a thing to do with any bad officiating.
WOW! You mean they can't referee in another girls' basketball post-season until February and/or March 2011? Imagine that - one year until the next post season!
Joe Friday Wrote:WOW! You mean they can't referee in another girls' basketball post-season until February and/or March 2011? Imagine that - one year until the next post season!

Remember that this is April. Even if we used your logic that would mean April 2011, aka season is already basically over.

I am pretty sure that he meant one season would go by before they could ref post-season play again.

Either way the KHSAA RECOGNIZED that their officiating was so bad that it warranted some type of disciplinary action. MEANING, they unjustly influenced the outcome of the basketball game.
Bluemoon Wrote:So I guess the Scott Co.girls should not hold their heads up high?!?!?!?!?!? They played just as hard and didnt have a thing to do with any bad officiating.

I think what the original poster was saying is that the Cards and Rockets were two great teams and it is a pitiful shame that the referee's influenced the game like they did. Scott Count won at home, Rock won on a neutral court and the refs won the tournament game.

Normally, I am the last person to blame a ref/umpire. In this case, the KHSAA recognized that their refs were bad and took action against them. That means there was evidence somewhere of misconduct. As an employer you don't discipline your employee for hearsay, you need proof, the KHSAA must have it.

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