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Religion of Peace Followers Strike Again
If Islam is a religion of peace, then what would a religion of war look like? I know that most Muslims do not engage in acts of terror but followers of Islam engage in violence at a far greater rate than any other major religion.

No need to worry, the UN and Hillary Clinton have called for restraint by all parties involved (the slaughterers and the slaughtered). The civilized world is at war against Islamic radicals - not terrorists. Until our own government finds the courage to accurately identify the bad guys, they will continue to lead American citizens to our own slaughter.

[INDENT]Appeals for calm after Nigerian sectarian slaughter

JOS, Nigeria (AFP) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon and Washington led calls for restraint on Monday after the slaughter of more than 500 Christians in Nigeria, as survivors told how the killers chopped down their victims.

Funerals took place for victims of the three-hour orgy of violence on Sunday in three Christian villages close to the northern city of Jos, blamed on members of the mainly Muslim Fulani ethnic group.

While troops were deployed to the villages to prevent new attacks, security forces detained 95 suspects but faced bitter criticism over how the killers were able to go on the rampage at a time when a curfew was meant to be in force.

Media reported that Muslim residents of the villages in Plateau state had been warned by phone text message, two days prior to the attack, so they could make good their escape before the exit points were sealed off.[/INDENT]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Islam is a religion of peace, then what would a religion of war look like? I know that most Muslims do not engage in acts of terror but followers of Islam engage in violence at a far greater rate than any other major religion.

No need to worry, the UN and Hillary Clinton have called for restraint by all parties involved (the slaughterers and the slaughtered). The civilized world is at war against Islamic radicals - not terrorists. Until our own government finds the courage to accurately identify the bad guys, they will continue to lead American citizens to our own slaughter.
[/INDENT] How many U.S. citizens were killed in Nigeria?
Amun-Ra Wrote:[/INDENT] How many U.S. citizens were killed in Nigeria?
As far as I know, none. However, that did not stop our courageous Secretary of State from joining the UN Secretary General in calling for "restraint" from all sides. For some reason, our government continues to go to great lengths to avoid identifying western civilization's common enemy - radical Islamist pigs who are determined to return this world to the 7th century and unite it under Muslim rule.

This would have been an appropriate time for Clinton to have identified those who committed these atrocities as products of the same wared religious doctrine as those who struck the US on 9/11. The enemies of the Christians in Nigeria who were victimized are our enemies, whether Obama and Clinton acknowledge that fact or not.
The African continent is replete with examples of slaughter, followed by revenge slaughter, ad nauseum. To call for "restraint" on that continent is not naive; it is wisdom born of historical understanding. I am quite sure that Hillary Clinton knows quite well that a great majority of the world's terrorists claim Mohammed as prophet and guide, Allah as god.
I didnt know Hoot had a degree in African affairs.
DevilsWin Wrote:I didnt know Hoot had a degree in African affairs.

Do you have a degree in any of the stupid and moronic stuff you spout off about, Reverand Jesse?
DevilsWin Wrote:I didnt know Hoot had a degree in African affairs.

Once, after nuptials, he found himself strangely warmed by a Nigerian woman. She showed restraint, and things went back to normal.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Do you have a degree in any of the stupid and moronic stuff you spout off about, Reverand Jesse?
It is an honor to be a lightening rod for the intellectually challenged socialists who frequent this forum. It gives them an outlet for their frustrations that they might otherwise unleash upon the family dog. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is an honor to be a lightening rod for the intellectually challenged socialists who frequent this forum. It gives them an outlet for their frustrations that they might otherwise unleash upon the family dog. :biggrin:

Methinks the Lady doth protest too much....
thecavemaster Wrote:Methinks the Lady doth protest too much....
Who's complaining? I am performing a valuable service by answering the trolls' desperate cries for attention. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who's complaining? I am performing a valuable service by answering the trolls' desperate cries for attention. :biggrin:

What... with your obviously skewed, self-serving view of "valuable"...? And we concern ourselves with your views of the overall world economy why?
The Religion of Peach strikes again? Apparently so...

Quote:Hunt for 'Black Widow' terror gang after female suicide bombers kill at least 38 in bomb attacks on Moscow trains

Alexander Bortnikov, head of Russia's Federal Security Service, said the terrorists were likely to have been 'black widows', Muslim women radicalised by the situation in the North Caucasus.

'Body parts belonging to two female suicide bombers were found and, according to initial data, these persons are linked to the north Caucasus,' he said.
I heard an interesting statistic today. Of all Muslim/Al qaeda attacks since 9/11, which have occurred worldwide, 1/3 of them have happened since Obama took office.

Do you think that is coincidence, or is he perceived to be weak by Muslims?? They are a different sort, and admire you more when you are trying to kill them, than when you are trying to coexist.

There have been 15,063 deadly terror attacks carried out by Islamic terrorist since 9/11.
miragesmack Wrote:I heard an interesting statistic today. Of all Muslim/Al qaeda attacks since 9/11, which have occurred worldwide, 1/3 of them have happened since Obama took office.

Do you think that is coincidence, or is he perceived to be weak by Muslims?? They are a different sort, and admire you more when you are trying to kill them, than when you are trying to coexist.

There have been 15,063 deadly terror attacks carried out by Islamic terrorist since 9/11.
I think that Obama is seen universally as weak but I do not think that his weakness accounts for the increase in worldwide terror attacks, most of which have not been directed against American targets.

I think by electing Obama president, the US has joined the club of western nations led by weak leaders who are afraid to correctly label Islamic Fascists as the enemies of human civilization.
If only we could send the black people from here who complain over everything, back there, and see if they could fix their homeland. They could have whatever govt they want, heck Hank Johnson can be their President.
"Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous." -David Hume
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that Obama is seen universally as weak but I do not think that his weakness accounts for the increase in worldwide terror attacks, most of which have not been directed against American targets.

I think by electing Obama president, the US has joined the club of western nations led by weak leaders who are afraid to correctly label Islamic Fascists as the enemies of human civilization.

I disagree. I think the increase activity is related to their perception of Obama. I do not believe it should be blamed on Obama but rather Islams perception. They see Obama'a victory as their victory. They believe he is proof that Americans are disgusted with ourselves. They think our people are taking their side. However I know it is not true. No matter what we do they can misinterpret any act to favor themselves. They blame earthquakes and huricanes on us they can blame anything on us.
Matman Wrote:I disagree. I think the increase activity is related to their perception of Obama. I do not believe it should be blamed on Obama but rather Islams perception. They see Obama'a victory as their victory. They believe he is proof that Americans are disgusted with ourselves. They think our people are taking their side. However I know it is not true. No matter what we do they can misinterpret any act to favor themselves. They blame earthquakes and huricanes on us they can blame anything on us.
Muslims are not monolithic and the extremists among them (no small minority) show no inclination to avoid killing moderate, 20th century Muslims, in the name of their 7th century jihad.

Over hundreds of years, radical Muslims have demonstrated repeatedly that they pounce on weakness and only respect strong, combative enemies. Obama is a weak leader and even if he was a genuine Muslim, Al Qaeda and other jihadists would not hesitate to blow him up along with whatever city surrounds him.

Radical Muslims do not see Obama's victory as their victory. They see Obama's victory as an event that brings their triumph over the West one step closer.

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