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Justin Haddix named Head coach At Perry County Central
good luck justin
Interesting hire...this should generate some excitement in the school and community.
Nice...Should be a good hire...get a young guy in the program. Some may question if he should have got the job but he did and i think he will make the best of it...
I am tickled to death for Justin. A good kid and one of my all-time favorites. He will certainly bring an exciting style with him. Congrats to PCC for making a hire and for giving a young guy a chance. Justin has had a good up-bringing in football and he is someone who knows how to win. I hope Perry County gets behind him and his staff.
Brian Milam Wrote:I am tickled to death for Justin. A good kid and one of my all-time favorites. He will certainly bring an exciting style with him. Congrats to PCC for making a hire and for giving a young guy a chance. Justin has had a good up-bringing in football and he is someone who knows how to win. I hope Perry County gets behind him and his staff.

I agree. Justin will do fine. I hope the administration gets behind him all the way. I know he will be missed at Breathitt. I talked to him recently and he was excited about this possibility.
I wonder what happened with Roark. Sure would of loved to have his son playing QB for us next year.
I think Justin will do well. Perry Central has the potential to be a football power.
Congrats Justin..make Perry a football school!
If given the chance this may turn out to be a great hire for PCC.
Cant wait to c wat happens this coming season with the qb and everything
PCC will definitely have some solid QB's in the years to come.
yea i know justin good. he will make perry proud
Anyone know when he is starting or who his coaches are going to be?
congrats to justin
I cant wait to see what the future had instore for pcc. I wonder if any kids may come to perry from breathitt because of this hire?
I'd love nothing more than to see Perry Central to become more football oriented, Hopefully Haddix can make that happen!
Nice choice, he should be able to dev some nice QBs
I dont know if he can change Perry Central or not. #1. Jordan Amis has graduated. Will John Paul Amis support the football team as much now? I dont know, but I doubt it. #2. John Paul Amis son Bert Brown is leaving so I dont know if Haddix will be JPA's boy like Bert was. Haddix was an excellent player and I hope nothing but the best for him at Perry. But all I have to say is GOOD LUCK. I believe he would have more support at Knott Central if he'd got the job there. Theres a lot of bad blood between Breathitt and Perry.
Congrats he was a good qb for breathitt
Congratulations on the hire, now make PCC into a football school. This school is a "sleeping giant" for football
Navajo4life Wrote:Congratulations on the hire, now make PCC into a football school. This school is a "sleeping giant" for football

Johnny_Ringo Wrote:I dont know if he can change Perry Central or not. #1. Jordan Amis has graduated. Will John Paul Amis support the football team as much now? I dont know, but I doubt it. #2. John Paul Amis son Bert Brown is leaving so I dont know if Haddix will be JPA's boy like Bert was. Haddix was an excellent player and I hope nothing but the best for him at Perry. But all I have to say is GOOD LUCK. I believe he would have more support at Knott Central if he'd got the job there. Theres a lot of bad blood between Breathitt and Perry.

This is true.
Good luck
This is the best possible hire for PCC. If given a chance Justin will turn PCC into a football powerhouse in Eastern Kentucky. Justin has the personality to be able to get the most out of his players. Justin is a coach I would want my son to play for someday. Not only does Justin have the personality to be a great head coach, he has a strong work ethic and he knows the game of football as well as any other head coach around. If any one would have told me last year that I would be pulling for Perry Central over Breathitt this upcoming year I would have told any one "HE** would freeze over before that would happen". Well all I can say is "HE** has froze over in Jackson". Good Luck and we are all proud of you. WKU #16 4 Life.
Wow, I didnt except to see this but I really like the hire. Hes young and Id say will get a lot more kids to come out for him. Football should be more exciting in Perry County now. Who are some of the staff that will be under Justin? Great choice Neace!
One of my alltime fav Ky. high school players.
I met him once on the sideline at the KY/TENN allstar game.
Doubt he remembers it.
Good luck coach.
personally i think this is a good choice for PCC. He will be great for the job.
Great hire. Haddix family will trade blue for red. Good luck, Justin.
Congrats & good luck to Justin & PCC. Looks like a good hire.
I only met Justin recently but he left a good impression, I wish him well at PCC. The administration needs to really get behind this young man and hire him some good assistants so that he knows the program is headed in the right direction and he has their support. Good Luck!
neverwas Wrote:Great hire. Haddix family will trade blue for red. Good luck, Justin.

I do know that they are for him doing a great job for PCC and they have supported BHS Football and got very little in return not even a "Thank You"!!,but they have always said their kids have done good at BHS and thats all that needs be said...Go C'Doers Justin will make PCC proud for giving him a chance,That his own County "BREATHITT" wouldnt,so yes his family will support the RED and BLACK for shore their support will be there!!

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