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who is the favorite in the 58th?
My choice is south floyd
Sorry, Billy-Bob, gotta go with Betsy Layne.
P-burg without a doubt. Betsy Layne lost Simon, South Floyd lost Little, and Allen Central had nothing to lose. P-burg lost a lot of good players but they had more coming up, however the other teams had none.
"Tiger12" Wrote:P-burg without a doubt. Betsy Layne lost Simon, South Floyd lost Little, and Allen Central had nothing to lose. P-burg lost a lot of good players but they had more coming up, however the other teams had none.

South Flyd may have lost Steven and Bubby(burnett) but that dont make no difference they still have Mason Hall Ryan Johnson Ethan Johnson T.J. Hall and Ryan Little..ther is a new player for SF this year Josh Johnson he is a good inside player im not sayin he will be the greatest in the district but he will be rlly good and help Ryan out in the low i would have to go with SF as the favorite in the district
no doubt betsy layne then far behind south floyd
"goosher man" Wrote:no doubt betsy layne then far behind south floyd
you do know that they passed that drug testing i figured after that statment that i would inform you on that:Thumbs:
"Billy-Bob" Wrote:you do know that they passed that drug testing i figured after that statment that i would inform you on that:Thumbs:

We havent taken the test at SF yet.
There are alot of good teams in the 58th. The district is up for grabs, but the favorite would have to be SF. The question is will they win it.
yeah everyone is talking big time about SF and BL and Pburg.....but no one hardly ever talks about ac's chances of winning alot of people has said the 58th is up for grabs and ac's chances of winning it is better than anyone else's......i mean yeah they had a bad season last year but this year they will bounce back and surprise alot of people in the 58th....and the 15th!
What are u trying to say billy bob that the BL is going to lose some players or something

Burnett Little was SF whole team last year, they will struggle without him.
"blackcat" Wrote:Prestonsburg

Burnett Little was SF whole team last year, they will struggle without him.

Burnett wasnt South Floyds whole team they had steven Ryan J Ryan L Ethan Mason Tj and Wes.. and they have Ryan J Ryan L Ethan Mason and Tj back this year so i think that they will be pretty not sayin they will win region but they will win district or come in 2nd behind BL....
"raiders_basketball" Wrote:Burnett wasnt South Floyds whole team they had steven Ryan J Ryan L Ethan Mason Tj and Wes.. and they have Ryan J Ryan L Ethan Mason and Tj back this year so i think that they will be pretty not sayin they will win region but they will win district or come in 2nd behind BL....

What I meant is he was there leader, leading scorer, if I'm not mistaken, and leading rebounder. I'm not saying they won't be competitive, but IMO they won't be the team they were last year.
you may think i am crazy after this post but Allen Central will suprise alot of people this year they have some talented players Ryan Collins,Josh Martin,Tyler Slone,Justin Jacobs,Nick Music,Farley Joseph,And josh Prater
South Floyd.
my opion i gotta say allen central this year i think they are gonna be very good this year they have a real deep bench
Listen here fellas, I am here to tell ya that AC is gonna be a CONTENDER this year. I do admit that last year they had a horrible season (worst in school history). This year will be a completely different story with their starters and back up player. They have put the Runnin' back onto the Rebels and if you arent prepared for there press and fast break, you will be down and out before you get started. So this year my favorite team in the 58th is AC by far!
Hope they can make a turn around, don't think they can rebuild in one season though.
Gotta go with the Bobcats, strongest senior squad and they have been playing together since they were like 5 years old.
me 2 im going with the BL they have some amazing players in Brandon Thacker , Brandon Kidd, Derek Case, Pat Stapleton, Colbert Craft, and Manaeplus many other seniors this is the best team they had in a long time their going to be good inside out i cant wait to see what the season holds for BL
allen central there good they will probably win state this year...ryan collins mvp...there only wins will come over david and piarist by 5 or less.
I agree GOOSHER!
Actually I was going for more Nick Music mvp.....but we will se when you're team gets beat by the Rebs this year
YES big AC is great!
"goosher man" Wrote:allen central there good they will probably win state this year...ryan collins mvp...there only wins will come over david and piarist by 5 or less.

I totally agree with u goosher....
i would love to know were goosher_man is from.....lemme say this he has a pretty big mouth......idk about u all but i think the "goosh" doesnt have alot of respect for some of these threads on here
its because people say stupid stuff....come on now everyone knows allen central has no chance at beating anyone in the 15th
"goosher man" Wrote:its because people say stupid stuff....come on now everyone knows allen central has no chance at beating anyone in the 15th

If they say stupid stuff, you don't always have to say something stupid back.. Sometimes the best thing to do is just look over it.

As for AC not winning any games in the 15th, well how do you know? are you a psychic? Personally I don't knwo anything about AC, but even with that I do know that anything can happen.. If a team gets hot in Basketball, then more often than not an upset will happen.. and sometimes the "better on paper" team will get beat..

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