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Tea Party mantra
"Can you hear us now?" ....a long standing grievance that the political class in Washington is unresponsive to the needs and worries of ordinary Americans. The working poor and squeezed middle are ordinary Americans. Financial ruin from medical bills, physical ruin from untreated illness... these are needs and worries of ordinary Americans. Hey, Rick "Paul Revere" Santelli, former futures trader and Drexel Burnham Lambert Vice-President, where are you? Your silence is deafening.
[ame=""]YouTube- American Tea Party Anthem (with words) by Lloyd Marcus[/ame]

Tea Party Patriots
Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets. :USAFlag:

Just regular folks. Care to join us, Cavemaster ? :letsparty
Joe Friday Wrote:

Tea Party Patriots
Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets. :USAFlag:

Just regular folks. Care to join us, Cavemaster ? :letsparty

Back in the fall, I actually went to a Tea Party meeting in Burlington, Kentucky (Boone Co.). A lot of what you say, no doubt, ... a lot of nativistic paranoia. Also, in Washington D.C., several signs, not just one, referring to Barack Obama as a "Lyin' African."
that's like Obama's people refering to people who disagree with them as "f"ing retards. You can't down everyone based on the actions of a few. I do believe the tea party movement needs a ture leader.
notamoocher Wrote:that's like Obama's people refering to people who disagree with them as "f"ing retards. You can't down everyone based on the actions of a few. I do believe the tea party movement needs a ture leader.

Here's the thing: how can one have a serious debate about policy issues and the like if the starting point from the other side is "Maobama" or
Obama = Hitler? Or, some insinuation that Obama doesn't love this country? has hidden sympathies for terrorists?
thecavemaster Wrote:
Here's the thing: how can one have a serious debate about policy issues and the like if the starting point from the other side is "Maobama" or
Obama = Hitler? Or, some insinuation that Obama doesn't love this country? has hidden sympathies for terrorists?

I don't believe anyone gets anywhere if Hilter comes up in the discussion. However i believe it is fair to compare some of Obama's policys and beliefs to Germany in the 1920s, of course you must leave out the racist stuff. Check out the 25point program put forth by the national socialist party of Germany. Also Karl Marx's 10 point system.
Now I know that a lot of republicans have traveled down this same road. It's just obama is traveling at speeds never heard of before.
notamoocher Wrote:I don't believe anyone gets anywhere if Hilter comes up in the discussion. However i believe it is fair to compare some of Obama's policys and beliefs to Germany in the 1920s, of course you must leave out the racist stuff. Check out the 25point program put forth by the national socialist party of Germany. Also Karl Marx's 10 point system.
Now I know that a lot of republicans have traveled down this same road. It's just obama is traveling at speeds never heard of before.

So, when Obama said that the government's "take over" of certain industries and companies was temporary, based on the drastic conditions of an economy in free fall, you don't believe him? His real agenda is to take us down the road of Nazi Germany? Or, he is so "clueless" that he doesn't realize the danger he's putting us in? Is that it?
So much silliness here
The tea party movement is such a broad umbrella idea that crosses political ideologies. It’s been taken over in some areas by special interest groups to spread a more one sided point of view. But at its core it is still the idea of citizens becoming more engaged with the political process. That may mean connecting more on the local level down to the precinct level or just learning more about the process. A grassroots movement tends to lose something when it becomes a national thing.
Sometimes you have to see how the sausage is made. I think there has been an awaking of civic exploration in this country. Let the people learn and grow as citizens without name calling or belittling them. In the end ALL Americans will be better off with an educated and inform electorate.

The problem with derogatory speech when one group "thinks" it's harmless another group is harmed.
1.we ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunies for employment and earning a living{Obama has increased the number and wages of government employees more than any other president}

2.The government must undertake the improvement of public health.{no comment needed}

3.The government must provide an all-around enlargement of the entire system of public education.{Obama added 1.3 billion dollars to education last week. He also wants the government taking over all student loans}

4.We demand an end to the power of the financial interests.{With TARP he is trying to control our financial sector} i know Bush was involved but Obama continues it.

The above items are from National Socialist Workers Party of Germany.

Now I ask is it fair to compare these four items to what Obama wants to do?.
notamoocher Wrote:1.we ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunies for employment and earning a living{Obama has increased the number and wages of government employees more than any other president}

2.The government must undertake the improvement of public health.{no comment needed}

3.The government must provide an all-around enlargement of the entire system of public education.{Obama added 1.3 billion dollars to education last week. He also wants the government taking over all student loans}

4.We demand an end to the power of the financial interests.{With TARP he is trying to control our financial sector} i know Bush was involved but Obama continues it.

The above items are from National Socialist Workers Party of Germany.

Now I ask is it fair to compare these four items to what Obama wants to do?.
Yes, it is both fair and prudent to do so. It is fair to compare agenda items of American socialists to the fascist agendas of pre-WWII Europe, the Soviet Union, China, and some of the current European Union. There are common elements among all of them and pointing out parallels is not the equivalent of branding Obama a "Hitler" or a "Mao." Playing the Hitler card is just a liberal ploy that often lets them avoid addressing real issues
thecavemaster Wrote:Back in the fall, I actually went to a Tea Party meeting in Burlington, Kentucky (Boone Co.). A lot of what you say, no doubt, ... a lot of nativistic paranoia. Also, in Washington D.C., several signs, not just one, referring to Barack Obama as a "Lyin' African."

I would be interested to know why you attended a TEA Party.

Allow me to provide you with the actual quote, "The zoo has an African lion and the White House has a lyin' African." There was an email circulating with this quote on a sign in front of a place of business and a lot of people thought it funny and used the quote. Not everyone thinks it funny...just political speech; I know worse things have been said about Republicans / Conservatives.

If you watch Sarah Palin's speech at the TEA Party convention tonight, I would be interested to hear your analysis. Fox News will be covering the event, if that won't blow up your television. I believe she is scheduled to speak at 9 p.m. EST.
[ame=""]YouTube- Andrew Breitbart to Media at Tea Party Convention: "It's You That Sucks"[/ame]

:Clap: Andrew Breibart tells how it is with the media at the TEA Party convention this morning. This is a great video. It is well worth watching.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, it is both fair and prudent to do so. It is fair to compare agenda items of American socialists to the fascist agendas of pre-WWII Europe, the Soviet Union, China, and some of the current European Union. There are common elements among all of them and pointing out parallels is not the equivalent of branding Obama a "Hitler" or a "Mao." Playing the Hitler card is just a liberal ploy that often lets them avoid addressing real issues

Not so, in this respect: on this site, from the day of his inauguration, Obama has been equated to Hitler, to Mao by several posters. The idea that government should be useful and beneficial to its citizens, without imperiling essential liberty, is a principle, not necessarily an economic theory or strategy. If the unseen motive is to so manipulate all factors in a society as to slowly bring a people into an almost stuporous, cow-like walk into embracing fascism, I understand the concern. However, I believe that Barack Obama deeply cherishes essential liberty and does not seek to take this nation down any such pre-Nazi road.
thecavemaster Wrote:Not so, in this respect: on this site, from the day of his inauguration, Obama has been equated to Hitler, to Mao by several posters. The idea that government should be useful and beneficial to its citizens, without imperiling essential liberty, is a principle, not necessarily an economic theory or strategy. If the unseen motive is to so manipulate all factors in a society as to slowly bring a people into an almost stuporous, cow-like walk into embracing fascism, I understand the concern. However, I believe that Barack Obama deeply cherishes essential liberty and does not seek to take this nation down any such pre-Nazi road.
I have only been a member since last fall, but since I have joined I have not seen anybody equate Obama to Mao or Hitler. I have seen people falsely accused of doing so, and I myself was recently falsely accused of being a racist.

Millions have identified themselves as fascists but there was only one Hitler. Pointing out the fascist nature of Obama's bailout of GM and Chrysler, including the firing of GM's CEO, and the unconstitutional actions of the "Pay Czar" is not the same as calling Obama "Hitler." Nor is pointing out the socialist aspects of Obamacare the equivalent of labeling him "Mao."

I truly believe that Obama's goal is to move this nation's government to the far left, so I will continue to call him a socialist when the shoe fits. Most radical leftists like Obama never become blood thirsty mass murderers, but it is best to throw radical leftists out of office while we can do so through the ballot box, just to be on the safe side. To paraphrase Barney Fife, we must nip socialism, communism, and fascism in the bud.

November offers an opportunity to send Obama a rebuke of his socialist agenda the likes of which this nation has never seen. How he reacts to the message will determine whether he is remembered simply as a mediocre president or a miserable failure. His first year's performance has already put "average," "good," and "outstanding" permanently beyond his reach.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have only been a member since last fall, but since I have joined I have not seen anybody equate Obama to Mao or Hitler. I have seen people falsely accused of doing so, and I myself was recently falsely accused of being a racist.

Millions have identified themselves as fascists but there was only one Hitler. Pointing out the fascist nature of Obama's bailout of GM and Chrysler, including the firing of GM's CEO, and the unconstitutional actions of the "Pay Czar" is not the same as calling Obama "Hitler." Nor is pointing out the socialist aspects of Obamacare the equivalent of labeling him "Mao."

I truly believe that Obama's goal is to move this nation's government to the far left, so I will continue to call him a socialist when the shoe fits. Most radical leftists like Obama never become blood thirsty mass murderers, but it is best to throw radical leftists out of office while we can do so through the ballot box, just to be on the safe side. To paraphrase Barney Fife, we must nip socialism, communism, and fascism in the bud.

November offers an opportunity to send Obama a rebuke of his socialist agenda the likes of which this nation has never seen. How he reacts to the message will determine whether he is remembered simply as a mediocre president or a miserable failure. His first year's performance has already put "average," "good," and "outstanding" permanently beyond his reach.

Question: was the sending of troops into the South to enforce equality in education via integration a violation of State's rights? NOTE: I am not setting a trap to call you a racist. I am wondering how far you take the state's rights thing. If a State lacks the will to recognize and accept essential liberties, has the Federal Government no recourse? Aren't we United States citizens above and beyond all?
thecavemaster Wrote:Question: was the sending of troops into the South to enforce equality in education via integration a violation of State's rights? NOTE: I am not setting a trap to call you a racist. I am wondering how far you take the state's rights thing. If a State lacks the will to recognize and accept essential liberties, has the Federal Government no recourse? Aren't we United States citizens above and beyond all?
I am no expert on the Civil Rights but Kennedy had an obligation to enforce federal law. I am generally opposed to deploying federal troops within this country but I am not sure what alternatives Kennedy had available. The biggest problem with civil rights in the south was that states passed laws mandating discrimination. Those laws clearly violated the federal 1957 Civil Rights Act and the US Constitution, IMO.

Basic civil rights are guaranteed by the US Constitution and supersede state laws. The people (mostly Dixiecrats) who used the states' rights argument to oppose civil rights for African-Americans were wrong.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am no expert on the Civil Rights but Kennedy had an obligation to enforce federal law. I am generally opposed to deploying federal troops within this country but I am not sure what alternatives Kennedy had available. The biggest problem with civil rights in the south was that states passed laws mandating discrimination. Those laws clearly violated the federal 1957 Civil Rights Act and the US Constitution, IMO.

Basic civil rights are guaranteed by the US Constitution and supersede state laws. The people (mostly Dixiecrats) who used the states' rights argument to oppose civil rights for African-Americans were wrong.

We agree, then, that in certain circumstances the compelling interest of essential liberty would move the arm of the Federal Government against recalcitrant states.
thecavemaster Wrote:We agree, then, that in certain circumstances the compelling interest of essential liberty would move the arm of the Federal Government against recalcitrant states.
In extreme cases, yes we agree - so mark that one down. :biggrin:
Sarah Palin suggests that this country needs a "Commander in Chief, not a Professor of Law." She says this in connection with the terrorist trial proposed in New York, and, presumably, in connection with Obama's disagreement with a recent Supreme Court decision. I would suggest that the Presidency is, yes, about being "Commander in Chief," however, the President is also charged with upholding the Constitution, which has a lot to say about defendent's rights. It is no doubt true that within us all exists a part of us that desires to see a terrorist "wrapped in bacon" as one poster on BGR said recently, however, our Framers recognized the darker parts of human nature and placed safeguards within our founding documents. Bring the man to trial. Present the evidence against him. Allow him to give a defense. Submit the case to the jury. Render and enforce verdict. 150 times in the Bush years terrorists were tried in our courts. 3 times in military tribunals, which, actually, haven't the sparkling record that some would lead you to believe.
[ame=""]YouTube- Sarah Palin Slams Obama on National Security at Tea Party[/ame]

[COLOR="Teal"]Sarah Palin's speech at the National TEA Party convention last night was awesome! She was definitely a hit with the crowd. Of course the 'Lame Stream Media (LSM)' is taking every opportunity today to try to knock her down, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. So, B. Hussein takes TOTUS everywhere including and, according to one political cartoon, to the restroom :eyeroll:; Sarah Palin writes notes on her hand and they go after her for knowing the 'questions ahead of time' :dontthink. She gave a great speech using keynotes to ensure she didn't miss her main points. I believe because she is not a 'polished politician' she connects with her audience because she is plain spoken who tells it like it is! :rockon:

I am certainly glad to hear the TEA Party movement does not intend to create a third national political party but will instead endorse individual candidates. It is also a good thing that they have no particular leader but, instead, network to reach their common goal.
thecavemaster Wrote:Sarah Palin suggests that this country needs a "Commander in Chief, not a Professor of Law." She says this in connection with the terrorist trial proposed in New York, and, presumably, in connection with Obama's disagreement with a recent Supreme Court decision. I would suggest that the Presidency is, yes, about being "Commander in Chief," however, the President is also charged with upholding the Constitution, which has a lot to say about defendent's rights. It is no doubt true that within us all exists a part of us that desires to see a terrorist "wrapped in bacon" as one poster on BGR said recently, however, our Framers recognized the darker parts of human nature and placed safeguards within our founding documents. Bring the man to trial. Present the evidence against him. Allow him to give a defense. Submit the case to the jury. Render and enforce verdict. 150 times in the Bush years terrorists were tried in our courts. 3 times in military tribunals, which, actually, haven't the sparkling record that some would lead you to believe.
Palin gave Obama too much credit. Obama was never a full professor of law. He was a "Senior Lecturer." Although he professed to being an expert on Constitutional law, he never was - ditto with his claim that he was Professor.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Palin gave Obama too much credit. Obama was never a full professor of law. He was a "Senior Lecturer." Although he professed to being an expert on Constitutional law, he never was - ditto with his claim that he was Professor.

You know, Hoot, two men I know, one a relative, one a friend, lifelong democrats, neither had voted for a Republican in a state or national election, both did not vote in the '08 election because they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man for President. Both are "good" men... deacons at their respective churches and all that. I asked each of them if it suggested mostly hidden pockets of bigotry in their hearts. We haven't spoken since. Sure sounds like you think Obama is uppity.
Joe Friday Wrote:[COLOR="Teal"]Sarah Palin's speech at the National TEA Party convention last night was awesome! She was definitely a hit with the crowd. Of course the 'Lame Stream Media (LSM)' is taking every opportunity today to try to knock her down, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. So, B. Hussein takes TOTUS everywhere including and, according to one political cartoon, to the restroom :eyeroll:; Sarah Palin writes notes on her hand and they go after her for knowing the 'questions ahead of time' :dontthink. She gave a great speech using keynotes to ensure she didn't miss her main points. I believe because she is not a 'polished politician' she connects with her audience because she is plain spoken who tells it like it is! :rockon:

I am certainly glad to hear the TEA Party movement does not intend to create a third national political party but will instead endorse individual candidates. It is also a good thing that they have no particular leader but, instead, network to reach their common goal.
:Thumbs: I agree. Palin delivered a great speech. Not as good as some of her campaign speeches, but very solid. I am glad that Palin did not get involved in the controversy about the convention being organized by a "for profit" group as opposed to a "non-profit" group.

Organizing as a "for profit" group will give the organization much more flexibility when it comes time to endorse candidates. The federal government cannot intimidate such a group by threatening to strip its tax exempt status, although the government still has the IRS audit threat in its arsenal to fight an outbreak of free speech.
thecavemaster Wrote:You know, Hoot, two men I know, one a relative, one a friend, lifelong democrats, neither had voted for a Republican in a state or national election, both did not vote in the '08 election because they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man for President. Both are "good" men... deacons at their respective churches and all that. I asked each of them if it suggested mostly hidden pockets of bigotry in their hearts. We haven't spoken since. Sure sounds like you think Obama is uppity.
I would say that I am shocked that you implied that your former friend and your relative were bigots for opposing Obama - only I am not shocked at all. It sounds like your former friend and your relative are both pretty good judges of character.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would say that I am shocked that you implied that your former friend and your relative were bigots for opposing Obama - only I am not shocked at all. It sounds like your former friend and your relative are both pretty good judges of character.

Ah, Hoot: they both said to their wives and children that they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man for President... Had Obama been white, they would have voted for him. Do you understand? They didn't vote for the man because he was black. If good character means calling that something besides bigotry, calling it "the ethics of their time, their formative years" or whatever, then set me free from "good character."
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Hoot: they both said to their wives and children that they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man for President... Had Obama been white, they would have voted for him. Do you understand? They didn't vote for the man because he was black. If good character means calling that something besides bigotry, calling it "the ethics of their time, their formative years" or whatever, then set me free from "good character."
Well at least you are acknowledging that the Democrat Party has more than its share of bigots. Liberals seem obsessed with race - even "famous" limousine liberals like Harry Reid and Chris Matthews. They seem shocked when a black man achieves great success without their helping hands.

When conservative blacks rise to positions of power, the bigots in the Democrat Party are the first to attack them, with far more emotion and vicious rhetoric than they use for attacks on whites holding similar views.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well at least you are acknowledging that the Democrat Party has more than its share of bigots. Liberals seem obsessed with race - even "famous" limousine liberals like Harry Reid and Chris Matthews. They seem shocked when a black man achieves great success without their helping hands.

When conservative blacks rise to positions of power, the bigots in the Democrat Party are the first to attack them, with far more emotion and vicious rhetoric than they use for attacks on whites holding similar views.

Even a cursory survey of geopolitical conflicts reveals that bias, prejudice, racism, ethnicism, misogyny... these are not "liberal" or "conservative" problems... these are human problems that issue forth from the heart, where every manner of corruption exists.
thecavemaster Wrote:Even a cursory survey of geopolitical conflicts reveals that bias, prejudice, racism, ethnicism, misogyny... these are not "liberal" or "conservative" problems... these are human problems that issue forth from the heart, where every manner of corruption exists.
I agree with you for the second time in two days. However, liberals seem much more tolerant of bigotry among their own ranks. If Harry Reid and Chris Matthews were conservatives who made the same statements concerning Obama and race, they would be out of a job.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree with you for the second time in two days. However, liberals seem much more tolerant of bigotry among their own ranks. If Harry Reid and Chris Matthews were conservatives who made the same statements concerning Obama and race, they would be out of a job.

Was what Harry Reid said untrue? As I remember it, he said, basically, that Obama's light skin color and language inflection would help him win votes in white America. Are you suggesting that what he said is inaccurate? or uncomfortable? And, before you ask, yes, it was a horrible "wish I hadn't said it" for Reid.
thecavemaster Wrote:Was what Harry Reid said untrue? As I remember it, he said, basically, that Obama's light skin color and language inflection would help him win votes in white America. Are you suggesting that what he said is inaccurate? or uncomfortable? And, before you ask, yes, it was a horrible "wish I hadn't said it" for Reid.

If Mitch McConnell had made the exact same statement, (and if it were true), then what would members of Democratic Party be spewing? We both know the answer to that question. It would be outrage, and the head of McConnell on a platter.

How has Robert C. Byrd been allowed to stay in the good graces of the democratic party all these years CM?

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